
Old job is refusing to give me my final paycheck.

Long story short I put in my two weeks notice at a job and two days into my notice I was told by the owner “it was best if we parted ways”. He then canceled my direct deposit, which I should have received almost a week ago. I went in to go return my apron and pick up my check, thinking maybe that was the hold up and got screamed at in front of customers at the bar for asking for my check. He said that it’s in the policy they mail it and he does not have to give it to me if I come pick it up, and he waits a full two weeks after payday to mail it. I asked him if I should keep the apron until I receive my check if that’s the case and then he told me he doesn’t care what I do…

Long story short I put in my two weeks notice at a job and two days into my notice I was told by the owner “it was best if we parted ways”. He then canceled my direct deposit, which I should have received almost a week ago. I went in to go return my apron and pick up my check, thinking maybe that was the hold up and got screamed at in front of customers at the bar for asking for my check. He said that it’s in the policy they mail it and he does not have to give it to me if I come pick it up, and he waits a full two weeks after payday to mail it.
I asked him if I should keep the apron until I receive my check if that’s the case and then he told me he doesn’t care what I do with it, I could throw it away. So I took it and left. Now he’s saying he won’t mail me check until I give them my apron and ‘stop acting childish’.
Is there a number I can call to report that they are withholding my wages? Could I call a police escort to walk me on the the property and pick up my check? I’m not exactly sure on what to do.

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