
On-campus College Job Pay

Little background. I (M19) am a college student. I've been looking for an on-campus job at my college, and I cannot seem to find anything that pays over $8 an hour… I preferably would like to work on campus, as many off campus jobs expect you to work during breaks and this is the only time I am able to visit my family in my home state. How does a college expect students to support themselves when the pay isn't enough to even afford a few text books, let alone rent or tuition… Also, many foreign students who cannot work off campus are trapped into working on campus. How is this even fair? Does anyone have any recommendations for finding higher paying on campus jobs, or does anyone have any recommendations for off campus jobs who are good for college students?

Little background. I (M19) am a college student. I've been looking for an on-campus job at my college, and I cannot seem to find anything that pays over $8 an hour… I preferably would like to work on campus, as many off campus jobs expect you to work during breaks and this is the only time I am able to visit my family in my home state.

How does a college expect students to support themselves when the pay isn't enough to even afford a few text books, let alone rent or tuition… Also, many foreign students who cannot work off campus are trapped into working on campus. How is this even fair?

Does anyone have any recommendations for finding higher paying on campus jobs, or does anyone have any recommendations for off campus jobs who are good for college students?

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