
One small thing you can do to support Amy’s Kitchen workers:

You’ve probably heard about the horrible working conditions at Amy’s Kitchen and the brave workers speaking out. One easy thing you can do is write your local grocery store/co-op etc and ask them to support the boycott and temporarily stop stocking Amy’s products. I’ve sent a few emails and surprisingly most stores have been pretty open to it or at least wanting to hear more! Amy’s management is betting on this blowing over. If stores stop putting in orders nationwide, they’re gonna notice! Here’s the email I’ve been sending, feel free to personalize for your own situation. It helps if you can show you’re a regular customer since they don’t wanna lose your business (that’s why the language is focused on stuff like being a consumer instead of a moral appeal – money talks!). Dear friends at (store), I'm a regular customer at your store and wondered if you would…

You’ve probably heard about the horrible working conditions at Amy’s Kitchen and the brave workers speaking out.

One easy thing you can do is write your local grocery store/co-op etc and ask them to support the boycott and temporarily stop stocking Amy’s products. I’ve sent a few emails and surprisingly most stores have been pretty open to it or at least wanting to hear more!

Amy’s management is betting on this blowing over. If stores stop putting in orders nationwide, they’re gonna notice!

Here’s the email I’ve been sending, feel free to personalize for your own situation. It helps if you can show you’re a regular customer since they don’t wanna lose your business (that’s why the language is focused on stuff like being a consumer instead of a moral appeal – money talks!).

Dear friends at (store),

I'm a regular customer at your store and wondered if you would be open to supporting the Amy's Kitchen boycott. Workers at Amy's are sounding the alarm: Amy's has faced over $100,000 in workplace safety violations over the past few years, and injuries are a routine issue. Here's an article from NBC about it:

It would mean a lot to me if you would support the boycott. Other grocery stores are temporarily pausing their orders to Amy's, like Mandela Grocery:

I really value shopping with you, and it would mean the world if you stood with the workers in their fight for fair workplace conditions.


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