
One Way the Job Interview Filters Out the Good for the Liars

You know that question: “Why do you want to work for this company?” A part of me always wants to answer truthfully. “Because I need the money and I believe I can do what you require of this position.” or “This place is close enough to where I live and you seem to be able to pay just enough for me and my family to continue surviving in this city.” But that's not generally what they want to hear. What they want is to hear is if you did your research on their company, name some of its merits and how you want to be on their team for those reasons. However everyone knows the real reason is because you need to pay for rent and food. Yes there are people who strive for that position at that company but I think it's safe to say the majority of us…

You know that question: “Why do you want to work for this company?”

A part of me always wants to answer truthfully. “Because I need the money and I believe I can do what you require of this position.” or “This place is close enough to where I live and you seem to be able to pay just enough for me and my family to continue surviving in this city.” But that's not generally what they want to hear. What they want is to hear is if you did your research on their company, name some of its merits and how you want to be on their team for those reasons. However everyone knows the real reason is because you need to pay for rent and food. Yes there are people who strive for that position at that company but I think it's safe to say the majority of us need the former rather than the latter. I still don't understand why we need to go through this whole song and dance.

This line of questioning is obviously expected, and we need to rehearse some creative reason of why we want to work for the place in order to be considered over the rest of the applicants. Right from the beginning you're practicing how to lie to your future boss. Employers have gotten themselves into this situation in which they are in search for the better liar. Could this be one of many reasons why workplaces are generally difficult? I think so, I think that emphasis is placed on lying well, although it's not explicitly stated on the job posting. They have done a great jog on finding the best of liars to join their ranks.

Rant over. 🙂

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