
Open door policy is a trap door

The open door: “I'm the new manager. Come to me with questions or concerns, or just general feedback.” The trap: everything you said that could even remotely be construed as a complaint will be listed in a disciplinary write-up citing your “poor attitude”. Yes, this really just happened. No mention about me offering my complete support or enthusiastically saying the recent changes resulted in me feeling more positive about our direction than I've felt in a long time. Gobsmacked.

The open door: “I'm the new manager. Come to me with questions or concerns, or just general feedback.” The trap: everything you said that could even remotely be construed as a complaint will be listed in a disciplinary write-up citing your “poor attitude”. Yes, this really just happened. No mention about me offering my complete support or enthusiastically saying the recent changes resulted in me feeling more positive about our direction than I've felt in a long time. Gobsmacked.

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