
OpenAI- the computers really are coming for us

*Let me start by saying, I am baffled by what is considered off topic on Antiwork. They labeled a post on the CA bill that reduces the work week to 32 hours “off topic”. Seems to me it’s a step towards the goal and perfectly appropriate to discuss who’s they did it. In any-case change happens fast, computers can write elegant prose now and even code. Even the well educated knowledge workers will be replaced soon, maybe we can all be plumbers for a while until bots can do the hands on? In any case, this tech can be used towards the goal of no work, the machines can work for use more and more and produce as we use our time for art, better human understanding or just more sex and video games I guess. That is, unless the tech is owned and co-opted by the billionaires. You can’t…

*Let me start by saying, I am baffled by what is considered off topic on Antiwork. They labeled a post on the CA bill that reduces the work week to 32 hours “off topic”. Seems to me it’s a step towards the goal and perfectly appropriate to discuss who’s they did it.

In any-case change happens fast, computers can write elegant prose now and even code. Even the well educated knowledge workers will be replaced soon, maybe we can all be plumbers for a while until bots can do the hands on? In any case, this tech can be used towards the goal of no work, the machines can work for use more and more and produce as we use our time for art, better human understanding or just more sex and video games I guess. That is, unless the tech is owned and co-opted by the billionaires.

You can’t have billionaires and anti work. It’s just physics, it does not work, this tech has to be put to use in the public domain for the betterment of all mankind.

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