
Opinion Request: Ethical Business Running?

I had the most wild shower thought today about opening a fantasy medieval themed bar and restaurant. This outrageously unrealistic hypothetical gave me a huge moral question about business ethics and kept me occupied all day at work. I thought it would be fun to share the bare bones questions that were burning in my mind today to get real blunt and honest answers from the take-no-shit-from-work veterans in this sub. How willing would a general worker be to dress up in medieval-esque clothes as a required part of working front of house? (to keep in theme in front of the guests of course, back of house can wear whatever) If each worker regardless of position was salary, what would be the best way to split the gross profits between everyone at the end of each year? Fisty cuffs? Rock paper scissors? Just kidding everyone should get an equal amount,…

I had the most wild shower thought today about opening a fantasy medieval themed bar and restaurant. This outrageously unrealistic hypothetical gave me a huge moral question about business ethics and kept me occupied all day at work.

I thought it would be fun to share the bare bones questions that were burning in my mind today to get real blunt and honest answers from the take-no-shit-from-work veterans in this sub.

  • How willing would a general worker be to dress up in medieval-esque clothes as a required part of working front of house? (to keep in theme in front of the guests of course, back of house can wear whatever)

  • If each worker regardless of position was salary, what would be the best way to split the gross profits between everyone at the end of each year? Fisty cuffs? Rock paper scissors? Just kidding everyone should get an equal amount, but what if someone just had (for example) a medical emergency and might need a bigger cut? I saw a woman on TikTok talking about all her employees making the same amount she does as salary and they all voted to buy cheap cars for everyone with the left over profit at the end of the year!

  • There's definitely the thought of having a separate outdoor area for a brewmaster to teach people outside in a workshop atmosphere, where the brews that are being made are served at the bar as a specialty. Is that too cheesy or just enough cheese? If you went to a place like that, would it be pretentious or add to the atmosphere? If you were a brewmaster, would you bother working in that environment?

  • How would you convince guests to dress in fantasy/medieval garb without sounding like an idiot? Obviously if someone stops by for a drink they don't want to be turned away because they aren't wearing a tunic or whatever. But won't someone please think about the almighty theme?

Just some light nonsense to talk about. Would love to read through any responses, rants, or even better hear about woes from people who have actually worked at themed places. I'm a minimum wage worker that's never going to afford to own a home let alone open a themed bar and restaurant so this is all just for fun.

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