
Our boss made us sign this and put it in our file.

She even went on to tell us that we can’t speak outside of work either. I’m pretty sure this is illegal. She can’t tell us what we can or cannot say. She also made an idiot of herself accusing us of starting rumors when it was actually her and an other supervisor who miss interpreted something they over heard. They created this weird story in their head without actually going to the source and clarifying. She also mostly complained about how hard her job was and all the extra hours she has to work. She makes nearly 100k a year. We get less than half of that and we are all college educated and board certified.

She even went on to tell us that we can’t speak outside of work either. I’m pretty sure this is illegal. She can’t tell us what we can or cannot say. She also made an idiot of herself accusing us of starting rumors when it was actually her and an other supervisor who miss interpreted something they over heard. They created this weird story in their head without actually going to the source and clarifying. She also mostly complained about how hard her job was and all the extra hours she has to work. She makes nearly 100k a year. We get less than half of that and we are all college educated and board certified.

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