
“Our sales are down and we don’t have that many hours to give, leave, we don’t need you”

Last night I was supposed to work a regular 4pm-9 but at 7pm my manager let me and my friend go for the day. She said that we weren't busy and she doesn't have enough hours to give so she told us to go home early today. Not to mention that she's been cutting everyone's hours (used to work 4-11pm) and putting more responsibilities on other people to make it up. And the fact is that we aren't below sales, we are constantly busy and I've seen that the profits are meeting expectations. Funny part is that when we left, they got a sudden rush and since we weren't there, they didn't even have a second to breathe. My friend and I went next door to apply and since they knew us already, we got the job the next morning. Oh how funny it was watching them suffer while we…

Last night I was supposed to work a regular 4pm-9 but at 7pm my manager let me and my friend go for the day. She said that we weren't busy and she doesn't have enough hours to give so she told us to go home early today. Not to mention that she's been cutting everyone's hours (used to work 4-11pm) and putting more responsibilities on other people to make it up. And the fact is that we aren't below sales, we are constantly busy and I've seen that the profits are meeting expectations. Funny part is that when we left, they got a sudden rush and since we weren't there, they didn't even have a second to breathe. My friend and I went next door to apply and since they knew us already, we got the job the next morning. Oh how funny it was watching them suffer while we were applying next door. This wasn't the first time she let us go early, I was just too nice to do anything about it.

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