
Our whole system is anti-human.

From schools to credit scores, to felonies it's all predicated on the assumption that the individual will not change and will need to “qualify” certain conditions to be “considered” for that loan/job position/college. Had bad grades in highschool due to ADHD or depression? A period of your life where you were still a child? Too bad only community college and military or trades, on your record forever. Bad spending habits? Meh you'll never change we'll reward you to get into debt with more debt, make you an indebted slave. Committed a crime when you were a young stupid teenager? Sorry caveman go work outside, I will not trust you inside my stor, criminal. It's all bullshit! It makes my blood boil, it goes against the human Nature and spirit. In the end it's one giant hellish entity being fueled by countless human lives. If God is real and there is…

From schools to credit scores, to felonies it's all predicated on the assumption that the individual will not change and will need to “qualify” certain conditions to be “considered” for that loan/job position/college.

Had bad grades in highschool due to ADHD or depression? A period of your life where you were still a child? Too bad only community college and military or trades, on your record forever.

Bad spending habits? Meh you'll never change we'll reward you to get into debt with more debt, make you an indebted slave.

Committed a crime when you were a young stupid teenager?
Sorry caveman go work outside, I will not trust you inside my stor, criminal.

It's all bullshit! It makes my blood boil, it goes against the human Nature and spirit.

In the end it's one giant hellish entity being fueled by countless human lives.

If God is real and there is a heaven and hell, then I must be in Hell.

My past memories have been wiped out and I was sentenced to this hell for the next 80 years until I passed away and reach the next level of hell.

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