
Over managed, over worked, under appreciated

Let me start by saying I am terrible at confrontation. This place literally fired my husband while I was out on unpaid maternity leave because they claim he was unhappy. They don't have any benefits. Despite this, I came back to work (early) and worked another 16 months never to say a word about what they did to my family. (While being a '”family” company). I plan on quitting soon because I just want to be home with my baby & this place has never appreciated the job I do, they have only exploited me and my efforts. They baited me with a “managerial position” just to never promote me. They tell me “you're one of the highest paid CSRs you should just be happy.” They constantly throw the “we've done so much for you” in my face even though those things referred to are typical work decencies. I absolutely…

Let me start by saying I am terrible at confrontation. This place literally fired my husband while I was out on unpaid maternity leave because they claim he was unhappy. They don't have any benefits. Despite this, I came back to work (early) and worked another 16 months never to say a word about what they did to my family. (While being a '”family” company). I plan on quitting soon because I just want to be home with my baby & this place has never appreciated the job I do, they have only exploited me and my efforts. They baited me with a “managerial position” just to never promote me. They tell me “you're one of the highest paid CSRs you should just be happy.” They constantly throw the “we've done so much for you” in my face even though those things referred to are typical work decencies. I absolutely do not want to give notice. I kinda just want to stop showing up.. but I don't want to be that mean. Friday I plan on emailing off my letter of resignation stating that today is my last day.


My boss promised me a manger position after I came back from maternity leave. I do the work of four people. Instead they fired my husband for being unhappy and didn’t promote me. Is a resignation letter too nice?

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