
Overcoming workaholism

I didn't go to work on my day off. Two coworkers called out, and I was under no obligation to go in necessarily. Not my problem after all. And yet it took intense contemplation to decide that I shouldn't go to work, and do actually need my designated day off. I don't even have my car right now, it's in the shop for repairs after trying to drive to work in a blizzard. And I work at a grocery store, it's not like I'm some life-saving surgeon, the worst outcome of not going to work, even if it was one of my work days is that some old lady doesn't get her chicken parm meal. And yet here I am, already kinda feeling guilty for laying in bed. On my day off. Any tips for changing my mindset?

I didn't go to work on my day off. Two coworkers called out, and I was under no obligation to go in necessarily. Not my problem after all. And yet it took intense contemplation to decide that I shouldn't go to work, and do actually need my designated day off.

I don't even have my car right now, it's in the shop for repairs after trying to drive to work in a blizzard. And I work at a grocery store, it's not like I'm some life-saving surgeon, the worst outcome of not going to work, even if it was one of my work days is that some old lady doesn't get her chicken parm meal.

And yet here I am, already kinda feeling guilty for laying in bed. On my day off. Any tips for changing my mindset?

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