
Overworked to No work. Missing last pay. Employer pay coworkers under table

I was working a job to earn money. The company went under. I was given a week's notice. My options were to have my boss drive me (no car rn) to a new location daily to work full time over there. That would have changed my daily commute from 15 min walk one way to a 45 min drive one way trip. This boss I was supposed to rely on for my commute was not very reliable. Every time I would come to work they would tell me it has been slow and then eventually leave to go home. The store usually had been open for just an hour before they left. If the store has opened at 12pm he would be out by 1pm. We would be at work an hour before we open to prep.. Essentially making their work day 11am to 1pm. I was told I was…

I was working a job to earn money. The company went under. I was given a week's notice. My options were to have my boss drive me (no car rn) to a new location daily to work full time over there. That would have changed my daily commute from 15 min walk one way to a 45 min drive one way trip.

This boss I was supposed to rely on for my commute was not very reliable. Every time I would come to work they would tell me it has been slow and then eventually leave to go home. The store usually had been open for just an hour before they left. If the store has opened at 12pm he would be out by 1pm. We would be at work an hour before we open to prep.. Essentially making their work day 11am to 1pm.

I was told I was being made assistant manager and a raise was coming. This is why when they was told they would be leaving for 2 weeks and I was to assume their position for the meantime, I accepted. This came with more responsibilities such as doing deposits. WALKING around with upwards of 1k+ in cash to a bank. There were workers with cars but were not responsible/trustworthy enough.

The workers at the workplace were scarce and not good. It would be me and two other workers on a good day(not often). Most of the time it was me and another worker. I learned that this worker was being paid under the table and that's why they would usually be the one working with me. It was a cheaper worker compared to the other 2 taxed workers.

Me and this under table worker worked our asses off when the manager was on leave. The other 2 employees would call out and we would just pull the double. We singlehandedly kept the store afloat with the manager on leave for the 2 weeks.

The manager comes back and there is no word of raise or promotion. The day they comes back, they leaves me at work by myself again. I don't bring it up. I had requested (a month in advance) the second day after the manager came back off, as it was birthday.

OUT OF ALL DAYS!! On my birthday. The manager calls me and tells me the store is closing in a week and gives me the ultimatum: My options were to have them drive me (no car rn) to a new location daily to work full time over there OR be out of a job.

Initially I was considering this option until I saw my efforts would not be reciprocated.

During the interview I had told the boss I have IBS and sometimes I have flair ups which leave me stuck on the toilet (no pun intended) and with immense lower abdomen pain. During the last week I had a flair up on the way to work. I made it to work but immediately ran to the bathroom and had a 45min problem. I come from the bathroom literally sweating from exhaustion and still hunched over from stomach pain.

I tell them I cannot work today. I am having a fair up of IBS. They try to call the under the table worker. He doesn't answer. Instead of understanding the situation, he asks if I can stay again(knowing they're going to leave me by myself again). I repeat I cannot. They tell me to “just go home” and you can see the anger in their face. They wouldn't even look me in the eyes anymore. The was the last day I worked.

I decided after seeing that, I wouldnt take the offer. It is the next pay cycle and I am now missing my direct deposit. The under the table worker was shorted hours also.

Is there a way I can sue for my money? For being overworked? For them paying under the table?

If not, that sucks! and thanks for at least letting me vent.

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