
I want to quit and change the toxic environment, but I am scared

Hi there For 8 years I have worked in the same company and since 2 years the boss changed. I hate his way of talking, doing and approaching us employees. For this reason I feel not growing and not enjoying my job (that is actually my passion). I had yesterday a beautiful job interview and they basically told me I can get a full time contract. But why am I scared of quitting? Where I am now I have a lot of work, this is good, but something in my belly tells me that I need to change. Is it maybe because I am soon becoming dad and I am too scared of loosing something that is safe?


Google Fiber workers successfully Unionize in Kansas City


March 26: Capitalism wants to keep ignorant. I break its spell by studying history and political theory.


P&O Ferries ship detained in Larne after being deemed ‘unfit to sail’. Some small justice served.This is 1 week after they fired 800 employees over a zoom call and replaced them with low cost workers being paid £1.81/h.


Messed up an interview so bad

So I yesterday I had an interview at a big company and messed up so bad even though I have been preparing for it for a full week. Why? because they asked questions over an hour in a shape of “I want you to take us with you on your desk (metaphorically) and explain in details what we are supposed to see in front of us, how you’re thinking and feeling? how are you behaving once you get this and that kind of task” kind of case questions, or rather tell us a story kind of question. My brain froze so bad I couldn’t say anything properly (it didn’t make things easier that the interview wasn’t in my mother tongue or in English either). I’m so embarrassed I can’t get over how bad I did the interview. They still called on the same day saying I didn’t get the position,…


[Grade 10: Social Studies] My topic is Capitalism


It all just boils down to greed, doesn’t it?


I got a burnout yesterday and my employer still wants me to come into work.

As for context, ive been working 60 hour weeks for the past 2 months now. The atmosphere is usually bad, and there's a hierarchy which there shouldn't be. (it's a pretty fancy restaurant). I'm the head waiter and simultaneously the only waiter except for some part timers who also have their own job. It's gotten too much for me. The stress and long hours made me reach a burnout. Now i made a mistake this week which cost the company about €300 euros and now as a punishment he also wants me to work during my own birthday party and the evening before in which i paid for two €80 tickets for a soccer game. I earn €7.20 an hour, im not working that day. I won't even earn one ticket back. Everyone is pulling on me from different sides. Mostly employer and family. I really am looking for advice…



I think this belongs here. TIL that IRA contributions are limited to 6000 dollars a year. UNLESS you break the earnings cap at 200,000/yr. HUH??? You can also stack IRAs with stocks and not pay capital gains taxes on them! This country is stacked against the common man.


Thought of the day: Giving children homework after school is cruel.

It's preparing them for the laboral slavery that we witness in our culture right now, in my opinion. Kids spend 8 hours or more at school and when they come home they are forced with more schoolwork during what was supposed to be free time. It's absolutely cruel of you think about it. The indoctrination starts early…