Need help and advise here !! My previous employer send me 2 mails. First one was to remind me that I have signed a non solicitation agreement and the 2nd one few days later, ACCUSING me of stealing one of the employees in my current employer. That one employee also quit and went to some other place that I don't know. While I have not done anything, what should I do here ? If I sue what should be damages reimbursement? What other options I have to make them pay for FALSE accusing me ? Please help me out as the previous employer gave a lot of shit after my resignation from last year bonus to obtaining experience letter even though I offered to help as much as I can for a smooth transition. I learned that, these corporations don't give a shit about you if you are working your…
Hey everybody! So I am at this new job for 6 months, after being 7 years in another company. I was looking for a new challenge and a better paycheck in the area, I am a local manager now. I don't want to get too deep in detail about the company, etc. Past week I did a mistake with a big client of ours, something about a delivery that shouldn't be done in a standard way. The thing is, I didn't know that it should be done in a different way, since I have been doing everything for the past 6 months as I have been told. When the bomb dropped, my manager called me informing about it (since I wasn't even aware of), and asked me if I knew that for that client things should be done differently and if my trainer informed me about it. I said that…
On Juneteenth my boss texted me asking me to come in 2 hours early so she could leave early. I said I really didn’t want to but she told me it was time and a half for Juneteenth so I happily changed my mind and went in. I worked 10 hours at $29.75 an hour. Fast forward a week and I didn’t receive my near $300 in extra pay. I text my boss angrily to confront her for lying to me. She’s actually a good boss and person btw, very understanding and friendly. She sends me a screenshot of an email between her and the district manager that supports her claim that it’s time and a half so now we’re both just confused. The district manager comes in a week later and I ask why I wasn’t paid for time and a half. She’s like “ohhh yeahh sorry hahaha, that…
might get fired today
Huge rant Finally got a job offer overseas. I've always wanted to live here so I was thrilled when I was offered this role. The other person my employer hired didn't work out so they put a rush on my work permit and within a week I moved. Packed up all my things and left my country. I've been at my job for 4 days now and on the third day my employer threatened to let me go. She told me we both wasted money and asked what I thought this job would entail. I thought it would entail what we discussed but no, she wants one person to do 4 jobs and for a low wage. I was given my duties and responsibilities prior and was fine with them. There's always a learning curve to a job. My boss showed me how to do things I never agreed nor…
Always remember that you are not valued.
So this was a fun experience. I requested an accommodation and submitted the appropriate paperwork signed by my doctor. FMLA is not available. Prior to requesting the accommodation I attempted to identify other options that would hopefully be easier and less frustrating on everyone. Denied. Submit accommodation paperwork; that is denied with a vague reason. There are others who do have this accommodation; that is important to note. Cool. Message received. This is a reminder to ALWAYS keep your resume updated, keep your options open and remember that your job does not actually care about you.
I want to hear your stories: what are the most desperate, pathetic, or otherwise idiotic things your bosses have done in an attempt to make the end of WFH more palatable? I'll start: the office I work at (for now, lol) is going back 4 days a week next month, and one of my coworkers has some close contacts keeping her apprised of the renovations they've been doing. Here's a list of the shit they've blew money on to make RTO “fun” and “totally necessary:” Massage chairs (not at our desks) Treadmill desks Several industrial coffee makers (~$3000 each) and everyone gets free coffee There's a rumor of a foosball table going in one of the break rooms
Although I dislike the current system, I also do not have a solution to this problem.
So I work as a Maintenance tech at a really high brow rest home. I'm on call and my boomer boss just demanded I come in to clean up a mess. They found a tent in the forest behind the facility that they want me to remove. I feel awful. Trying to think of ways I can put this person's tent somewhere safe they can get to it. Insult to injury my boss kept telling me if I get confronted “to be calm and call him or the police” no fuck you dude I'm not calling anyone. I've been homeless before. Fuck today
Is anyone surprised? When you hear about inflation and worker's raises causing inflation, keep this in mind. Average stimulus amount per worker – $3,450 Average PPP Loan Amount – $59k Major points: The PPP was not well targeted. Only about one-quarter of PPP funds supported jobs that otherwise would have disappeared. The study found that the PPP’s benefits flowed disproportionately to wealthier households rather than to the rank-and-file workers that its funds were intended to reach.