are there any good places to work?
I'm sick of working a shit job, where can I get a good job?
Know Your Worth/Trust Your Gut
My current company is not what I need it to be, so when I had a recruiter call me saying that they had a company that was looking for my skillset, I was happy to field the offer. I went to the interview, and while they liked me and had only good things to say, they were looking for someone who could be promoted to the department head in 6 months. They referred me to their parent company, who is significantly larger & had immediate openings for exactly my skillset. I attended their interview, which they insisted on setting up with 24hrs of receiving my resume- extremely short notice. The interview went really well, they gave me a salary range right out of the gate, but when we discussed the fact that I would need to start in 6 weeks due to a project that I am ethically compelled to…
So, we should shit in McDonalds because fuck you McDonalds.
Viva la capitalism
I got fired today, yay! I've had a new part time job for a while now (and actually managed to find something that I like doing), maybe around 6-9 months. The boss was cool as heck, my other coworker is cool, we are very good friends tbh, spending time outside of work too, she's really fun to be around. Well today I got fired. Basically I was upfront with my boss that I am looking for a full time position, since I will be no longer attending college. It all started with my coworker snitching on him last Thursday because he was talking shit about me. How I call him all the time (letting him know what needs to be ordered, where the invoices are), that he had to look for a replacement because of me (even though I told him I had at least six people lined up for…
Stupid recruiter questions
Repeating with a recruiter on the phone: R: “Are you over 18?c Me (in my head): Gee, I dunno. You're looking at my resume which shows I graduated college in 1990, and I have work showing over 14 years. No, I'm only 12. I was just a very smart fetus. Me (spoken): Yes, I'm over 18