I'm sorry if this comes off as a rant, but it's starting to get very annoying for me. Yesterday i confronted him about it and what he said was that those coworkers are being hired for the busy hours and tried to turn it around as a sort of “you should be glad they're there to help you out”. Which is obviously not fair to me at all. I like the work and the team but this is getting ridiculous.
WaGe BiLL iS toOo hIgH
Got made redundant 3 months ago, my job was to overhaul the aging and inefficient IT infrastructure. Quite literally the entire companies work practices were to be moved onto this new software: employee database, salaries, accounting, equipment tracking, fault reporting, job booking, job allocation, client portal. Everything. The company was a family run business where salaries, whilst not huge, weren't sacrificed in the pursuit of profit. 4 months before I left, we got bought out by a conglomerate. They weren't happy with the current wage bill, most likely they'd calculated they wouldn't see a return on their investment for several years and the quickest way to fix that was to cut the wage bill by cutting 15% of the workforce. I went through 3 redundancy meetings (this is the UK) over the span of a month, where I repeatedly asked what their plan was with my software I'd created. As…
Why arent we eating the rich?
There shouldn't be any qualms about this basic piece information. Jobs ask you to divulge your life story ( education, work history, interests, skills, cover letter etc. ) prior to even getting an interview!! There should not be this unequal divulgence of information. Any and all details regarding a job including salary and benefits should be provided.