What the fuck
So, I am not a crier. My partner shows her emotions very easily and it’s beautiful. I, however, just don’t cry. It’s not a thing and it’s ok. I’m not like….saving up tears or anything, it’s just not a natural thing for me. I cried at work today. For like 1/2 an hour. And it’s been Years since that happened. The day and the person I was assisting led me to. I called my supervisors, had a talk with them and the person I was assisting, and finished my shift because I didn’t want to leave anyone in a lurch. I got back to the main hub, emailed my main supervisor and said that tomorrow I would be taking a mental health sick day. This mother fucker just called me at 9:45pm. I’m supposed to work at 8am if coming in for the shift (which I emailed at 5:30p that…
This is probably a stupid question…
I don’t have much experience with unions… are they a good or bad thing?
On the way home from work, I got a call. I have a hands free option in my car so I thought it was Husband and answered. I didn't look at the caller ID. Now, I'm currently bouncing around the idea of getting a new job, due to financial reasons. I haven't decided if I want to leave my current one yet, but I want the option. Well… I probably should have let the call go to voicemail. I answered a potential interviewer with, “Hey baby!” Silence. I'm not getting that job. 🥲
To try an explain it would take a novel. My coworker “Jim” is a useless piece of shit. Because he’s friends with the HR person he’s immune to any discipline. He‘s done everything he can do to get out of work for the last 15 years. Last month he achieved antiwork status. He is now paid a full time salary to not come to work. Almost everyone else in the company works 40+ hours a week. Yet Jim is paid to not work because it’s easier for everyone else when he doesn't come in. The CEO of the company doesn’t want to deal with him, so the company collectively ignores the fact that we pay him to not work. In all honesty, I am happy that he doesn’t come to work anymore. I just hate the token visits he makes because we all pretend like it’s normal.
I applied to Progressive for the third time in a row after waiting for two six month periods. One of my friends, who currently just got hired on last month, answered the assessment the exact same way she did on hers. Somehow it came back as a rejection. I want to what's going on behind the scenes because this is a joke of a company and if they don't do it themselves that's an even bigger joke. I need a work from home to provide for my family, now I'll have to travel an hour plus each way at this new construction job and I won't be able to finish mt degree. I'm pulling my insurance from this company as well, if this is how things are going to operate.
Doing shit is fun and nice when youre not treated like shit. EDIT! ! forgot cops. Ok there might be a couple bad jobs. But theyre the exception that proves the rule. Most jobs would be just fine if you got respect & enough compensation to thrive. I.e. if not for employers. I’m appreciating the varying opinions though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts everyone