
Sick of my parents shit

If I get told “Welcome to the real world” one more time I'm going to fucking snap. Edit: since some of you are fucking assholes I'll have you know I work 60 hours a week as a Paramedic. Fuck you.


America is a land of no inbetweens

Anyone else notice that about the USA? You cant work 30-35 hours a week for $30-$40k you have to work 50 hours for $65k+. You cant have a small 1-2 bedroom house on a small plot of land you either have to get a tiny apartment with no garage, or a super mega house with 5 bedrooms youre never going to use for $750k. Our two party system and absolute hatred of any kind of third party.


Makes ya think huh


Got scammed today by a “new job”

I worked for 4 hours at a new job today, and when I asked the owner how he was going to pay me since I hadn't given him any information, he told me he wasn't going to pay me. Feelsgoodman. Edit: if anyone wants to call and order a few pizzas that won't ever get paid for, message me for the info


Stools are not for sitting, so your accident is your own fault

So, I work at a sleep lab as a side job. Long story short, we put patients on a stool so we can walk around them while sticking electrodes on them. It's essential. We can put someone on the bed or a chair while doing it, but that can almost double the time it takes. This place has been going for almost 10 years, I've been there for 3 and was taught by the people that have been here for the entire 10. A co-worker does it a bit differently – because of health problems, he sits on the stool and has the patient sit on the bed. Fair enough, who cares. One day, the stool rolls out from under his body, he falls over and hits his head on the sink. Hospital, stitches, the whole procedure. When he had to tell the administration what happened, you wanna know what…


Every “on-site” job should be verified by a third party that it has to be done site, otherwise it’s remote by default.

There's been a lot of talk about returning to offices recently. Which is interesting, since a TON of companies that refused employees the option to work from home sure had no actual issue making it happen. Literally overnight in a lot of cases. This makes is pretty obvious to anyone with sense that these organizations were lying to their employees, and stealing from them in the form of unpaid prep and commute times. Theft is a crime. And since time theft committed by corporations against employees is so widespread, the government should be doing something about it. Biden shouldn't be urging people to return to the office. He should be forming a new department that investigates jobs to ensure any job that claims to be “on site” actually is. Remote work should be the default, and any company caught lying about it should be getting hefty fines.


Idk what I should do

I have been at my job over a year and month now. I got promoted and now I got transitioned from my manager that I truly enjoyed and supported in me and believed in me to this new manager. Let me tell you about this NEW manager. Passive aggressive with every question I ask. Acting like I should know the answer and always questioning me why I didn’t get my work done or get the things she asked of me done. Everything I was trained throw it out the window and this is how we are doing it now. Instead of actively showing and visually giving examples to help the team out she bitches and complains about our team how we are always dead last. And it’s not just me that feels this way it’s me and another coworker that we came from the same training group to join this…


First time leaving corporate America, need your advice please

Planning on asking manager to lay me off, is there a chance they say “I’ll talk to HR and will get back to you this afternoon” only to come back with a firing notice? I have a good relationship with my manager but I heard some people are so offended about their employees leaving them that they go out of character to do shitty things just because. There are three ways my departure can end: Best case scenario, I ask nicely about the lay off, they agree it’s best for both parties and pay me severance (been there 7 years). Not so ideal but not the worst case scenario, I quit and receive no severance. Worst case scenario, they find an excuse to fire me just to give me shit for leaving them. Anything else I should take into consideration, I thank you in advance for letting me know.


Have I become lazy or are expectations unreasonable?

For the past 3 years I worked in a role with next to no supervision. I led a small software development team that was, high performing compared to others in the company. Unfortunately for the first 2 years I had an incredibly incompetent team that required a lot of hand-holding. Eventually I was able to hire competent staff but by then I was so burnt out. Due to no supervision I was literally able to get away with 1-2 hours of actual work per day. I got bored, and for many reasons decided it was time for a change. Last year I got a new job for a company I had always wanted to work for in a different industry that I always wanted into. However excited I was, I just can’t seem to find a happy pace. I feel like I’m being overworked and have unrealistic expectations. I’m thrown…


When Musicians Went on Strike — and Won: Eighty years ago, thousands of musicians in the US launched a two-year strike against the recording industry. They won landmark gains — reminding musicians today that the best way to wrest back money from the streaming companies is to flex collective power.