Anyone else in a position responsible for hiring giving people more than they ask for? I know the typical rates of what people in my industry generally expect, and I also know what my boss is willing to pay. The past few people I’ve hired at an additional $2-$3 an hour more than they’re asking for because I know I can get away with giving it to them. If you’re in a position to do so, give people more money!
Billing Time Making Me Want to Quit
I work for a company that essentially works as staff for multiple companies and every single minute of our day has to be accounted for. If you don’t have a specific time code to bill to, you’re supposed to use PTO. I am having such a hard time completing projects and tracking time because I know that I’m not doing everything for the “right” amount of time, so I don’t keep my time card up to date and then it takes me hours to fill in. Plus I just lose time because this job is so boring. I open an email with a rude question that I answer twice a day in it, get up to reheat my tea and half an hour is just gone.
No Showed by Interviewer
Not sure if this is the right place for it as I’m not sure whose end it’s anti-work on. Quick back story: laid off end of December, been looking for a job ever since. I applied for a photographer job, first interview was last Thursday with the company’s main supervisor for the state, with the regional supervisor having missed the call. Reg. Super emails next day to set up second interview. I respond quickly with a timeframe, no response. Tuesday I’m at an appointment when they email me they’d like to do the interview at 4. Time of email came in at 3:06pm. I wasn’t available until after 5, when I saw the email. I respond that Wednesday or Thursday at 4 works. They reply “4pm Wednesday, I’ll send you the link.” Great! After having no link sent by 4:20 or so Wednesday, I email. I get a response two…
Keep calm and carry on (working!)
I'm not going to risk my bladder for their corporate greed