They did the math
Ghosting my terrible job
I'm 15 minutes away from ghosting an employer for the first time. I was lied to about my job duties. Sworn at by my manager regularly. Treated badly by fellow employees. Blamed for mistakes that had nothing to do with my job duties. I'm ready for a little time off. I feel bad for the person that gets hired in my place.
A very real consequence of bad management is workplace sabotage. I know someone who was stuck in a job with terrible mgmt and coworkers they hated and would purposely break or “lose” vital equipment and information nearly every week without anyone knowing it was them. It drove people insane and jobs were lost and no one ever knew I'm sure some people can relate?
Wife “terminated” on maternity leave
My wife went on maternity leave in September of 2020 is due to go back to work the first week of March of this year. We’re in Canada, we have the choice of 12 or 18 months off, both equal same amount paid out, just stretched out further if you choose 18 months. My wife chose 18 months to have a longer time at home with our son. Just yesterday she got a phone call from her district manager telling her they have “restructured” the store and her position was “abolished” She was an assistant manager, they had two assistant managers when my wife was there, the second one stepped down after my wife was off on leave and they hired someone new, the person that was hired in my wife’s place ended up quitting and they didn’t hire anyone else to replace her. They are letting the other replacement…
My job is basically a productivity role. We have to have X number of calls processed per hour everyday. Example: 10 per hour etc. However, if we meet a certain threshold say 7 per hour we don’t get in trouble, but if it’s below 7per hour we have to have a mandatory counseling on how to increase our numbers to get up to 10pts hour. Here’s the thing…if I stay above 7 there’s no reason for me to try for 10 an hour. I don’t get reprimanded for it. Yet even when I’m above 7 they still say they’d like me to shoot for 10 an hour. But there’s no benefit. I don’t get paid more to do more. I don’t get special recognition or anything. I don’t see the point in trying harder.
I fucking hate my managers
I'm fucking fuming at my goddamn managers because they never listen to me. I had a shift at Lowes last night working as a cashier and I was told to work at the self-checkout line. Now, the self-checkout line is a fucking joke. Every single transaction has some glitch customers need me to fix. The managers didn't even have a person to cover for my break. Today, I have to reschedule my dermatologist appointment because of the selfish corporate snakes refusing to hire more than 4 people for a goddamn shift. The entire management can suck it. I only put up with this shit because I get $3 above my state's minimum wage. Other than that, they can fucking shove a price scanner up their asses.
For obvious whistleblowing reasons, I've created a throwaway account in order to put my place of employment on blast. I work for Kowalski's Markets, a chain of Minnesotan grocery stores geared towards the bourgeoisie. While we are a unionized grocery store, the owners devise creative ways to abuse their employees. From lackluster starting wages ($11/hr) and lack of benefits and pto for a year for new hires to a blatant disregard for employees' mental health, there's a lot to cover. Did I mention that there is also a pay cap of $14/hr for all employees and they only let people go above the pay cap in special cases? Kowalski's also circumvents the quota for full-time positions imposed by the union by just not meeting the quota and opting to pay a fine. Let's start with the god awful corporate culture known as 'civics'. Civics is used to create the…
Boss cheated me out of $200
The store I worked at had just gotten a new line of flat-pack furniture. The general manager had offered my $20/piece to come in on my day off and assemble the display models. There were 25 units, and I managed to build 13 of them in a day (it's pretty easy, once you get into a groove, and with no customers bothering you constantly). After I was done for the day, I went to the GM, “$260, please!” At that point, he decided to just pay me my hourly rate (around $12/hour at the time) instead. He literally told me that he hadn't expected me to get so much done in a day, otherwise he wouldn't have offered me such a great deal. So, $260 cash became $96 before taxes. I was so pissed, but couldn't afford to quit at the time. The next day, he told me to build…