
I don’t like how my boss treats me but nothing “bad enough” has happened

So I work in an office where my boss doesn't seem particularly keen on me. Some examples are: • We were asked to do research and as I was explaining what I found to her she interrupts and says that's not helpful and closes the door in my face • Constantly hangs up the phone on me mid conversation • Will email the entire department to just ask about whether I completed an assigned task that has nothing to do with anyone else • Has assigned a lot of my previous tasks to the intern so now there's gonna be gaps in my worklog track which is gonna raise questions at my next performance appraisal so much that I go around asking if anyone needs help with anything • Ever so often makes comments about how I eat too much and I can only do that now because I'm young…


Fired After Being Told Not To Come In Sick.

So I work at a Walmart DC, just hired on like 7 weeks ago so they haven’t changed the policy. I was told during training that if I’m sick to not come in, call the manager and tell them what’s up and you’ll be good. Well I was unfortunate enough to get sick on my 3rd week in and was so sick I could barely breath “Not Covid”, so I called off for 4 days. I thought I was good because I was told not to come in by a manager so I wouldn’t get any points “you need 5 points to be fired”. I had to call off again yesterday due to a death in the family. Yet when I walked in today I was immediately approached by management and escorted out of the building where they then took my badge. So much for being good if I call…


Just eat beans, silly!


Since I’m over 50 and can’t get hired is this because employers think I’m going to cost them too much on health insurance?

One person I know in my age group,Gen X, has gotten a job in the last 2 years. Most of my friends are clinging to toxic jobs while furiously job hunting. We are discussing our flat out dismissal in the job hunting world for full time work. We have a huge range of skills: marketing, sales, labor, even IT. Is the common denominator our age and the “burden “ we put on health insurance? Absolutely lost as to why people with solid experience and good references can’t get work in the no-one-wants-to-work era. Wtf?


Always leave for more money

I worked in a food flavoring plant mostly using vacuum distillation, I operated a fork lift, wired in a new MCC, programed PLCs, walked miles a day as an intern for college credits and $10/hr but I was young and naive and thought that it was ok. After temps were getting let go left and right for not knowing how to run the stills and my internship was ending, I thought it was my time to shine. I was given $12.50/hr and the promise that in 10 years I could be running the whole plant by being the fireman's right hand man. The owner brought his brand new Audi in every day, except Friday when he brought in his Porche. Workers had to share a respirator when synthesizing decanal with sodium hypoclorite, a two man job. I asked my manager about why pay was so low and he said he…


Found in DnDMemes. Just so happens to reflect our grievances


Hopelessness is overvalued.

Nihilism and “negativity” are overvalued. They really are. We lament in hopelessness looking all around us and wondering why it is this way. But never really looking into, WHY, it is this way, we just forgot and placate and agitate ourselves with memes, news, futile arguments, mass produced media, whatever it is. We don't look at the writing on the walls. We turn a blind eye. We suspect people who are “positive” because we've been trained to think that way. We've been trained to be suspicious of happiness. Of thinking that it could be any other way. That the things happening around us are not inevitable, are in fact preventable, and we can prevent them. We really can. I'm not just saying it. We've been herded into a psychological prison, most of us are barely reaching a fingertip out of, let alone an arm, a hand, or a leg. But…


Most Companies!!!


This ad scrolls across the casino tv every 30 seconds.


Just called in sick. I should probably stop browsing this sub right before work.

I have recurring digestive issues most mornings. Sometimes it makes me late but I still work 9 hours+. I usually skip my lunch break also. The last time I came in late my supervisor had some negative remarks about my tardiness. Well, now I won’t be late.