
Somehow not qualified for the same job, but with better pay?


I want to put my 2 weeks in once I have another job lined up but I have a question

When they ask me why, all I want to say is that I found a different employment opportunity and nothing else no matter how hard anyone might ask. How do I realistically stand that ground? Am I allowed to reject a meeting with HR about it? How do I comfortably change the subject?


Why do we have to pay for records/vulnerable sector checks?

In Ontario I just paid $41 to have the police tell me and my POTENTIAL employer that I do not have/have never had a record or charges laid against me. This information should be free for me to access. It is MY record after all. It feels like theft.


I’ll be burnt out from job applications before I even get the job

Sending dozens of applications a week, tailored resumes, tailored cover letters, emailing, phone calling, networking in-person, finishing questionnaires, typing in my resume into slots that my resume already answers…fuck, by the time I get a job (if I ever do) I’ll be so bad at it cuz 99% of my stamina went into looking for one. This system is dogshit.


Has a manifesto or list of ideals and demands ever been specifically listed for this movement?

I've been going through the literature provided in the comments, and while a lot of it provides interesting points, there doesn't seem to be any specific document detailing what, specifically, we, as a movement, want. I know that movements don't necessarily need specific goals and ideals, but I figure some guiding principles wouldn't hurt. I ask this because I've been working on a “manifesto” to employers and the owning class detailing our demands. After the debacle that was the Fox News interview, I feel like at least having some specific list of ideals/demands wouldn't hurt. This is what I have so far, in no particular order. Some are currently implemented, some less so. Primary demands/grievances: A minimum wage that allows us to live without fear of the future is a necessity that should be implemented, regardless of the job. Paid Maternal leave should be provided for any woman, or anyone,…


Woke up to a foot of snow.

So my job is well aware it was going to snow a foot and decided to do nothing about it. They're acting like it didn't even happen at all. They work you to the point of physical exhaustion, send you home to shovel and then you better get your ass right back up and back here tomorrow to again be exploited. You need to put your life, safety and vehicle on the line for some rich piece of shit to sit in some fucking mansion somewhere and bitch about how he's not rich enough. I don't know how jobs can operate in NY and not give one fuck about the snow.


I got fired from my job for not “asking for more work”

This story is a couple years old, but reading some stories here reminded me of it. First job out of college, I get there on the first day of work, and my “trainer” tells me “there's not much work to do right now, because we're slow on business”. People swing by my desk to meet me, have several people say “we hope you can bring more business in, there's been nothing for a while”. I'm given little reading packets to go through about common terms in the industry and told I need to write a one-page summary on it and turn it in to my supervisor by end of day so she knows I read it. I'm annoyed, but think “okay if this is all I need to do, whatever, it's not grueling”. The rest of the days, I'm sitting at my desk scrolling endlessly through my phone because nobody…


Got asked to work 40 hours next week. I’m 16 years old

I currently work 32 hours a week on top of my 40 hour school week. It's very exhausting but I'm trying to make money to help out my family. Manager asks me if I want 40 hours. Declined and asked for a reduction in hours. Thinking about asking for a raise since I'm at $11 an hour, the same rate I started at nearly 8 months ago.


I’m so pissed right now

It's been a looong tone since I've been this mad. 3 years, one. 30 cent raise. Found out were all getting raises again. A whopping .07 cents. SEVEN. CENTS. 3 years. 3 years ive worked for them. 3 years of having 95% quality from training onward. my supervisors were astounded, a fucking stounded that i was so good at this job in training. ive worked customer service for 15+ years now, and i get one .30 cent raise in 3 years. then when everyone is getting raises, i only get seven fucking cents. fuck this place. thats a fucking insult.


Dear US service industry workers: your boss owes you an hourly wage and overtime pay even if you earn tips. If they aren’t paying you, file a complaint with the labor dept., then sue.