
A union is our agreement. A union is our commitment. A union is our dignity. Your Integrity is your due!


“we wish you well for your future” is a passive aggressive fuck off from interviewers and hiring managers

Having being fucked around 4 times trying to set up an interview (and having booked the time out of my calender) I told them I was not interested in working for a company that was this disorganised. It took me awhile to understand the sign off phrase in response where they said “we don't think you're a good fit” was basically a “fuck you”.


Any fellow second/third shift workers missing their families? Because I am :(


Hard pass until affordable gas: Biden urges return to office


Over worked, Under paid (Rant)

I work at a hospital as a registrar. Essentially I'm one of the go-to employees. Cross trained in 5 different areas of our department. On average working 52hrs+ every two weeks. And let me tell you about the reports. Everyday, running through the same report to register add-ons, gathering cardiac appt regs from 3 different areas everyday and being expected to complete ALL of it while also having to do the vascular registrations and authorizations! Have you ever tried to get BlueCross BlueShield Administrators representatives on the phone? It's impossible! And have mercy if a patient comes in and I sit down with them to make sure everything is up to date and find that they require authorization, the doctors office has been notified but we still haven't received it. Over the course of two weeks I had to tell the same lady 3 times that authorization still hadn't been…


If engineering has a shortage of workers, where are the jobs?

I am a current engineering student who is trying to finding an internship, and I can’t even get a single fucking interview despite having good grades at a good school. It is stupid. What kind of a shitty time do we live in when fucking engineers can’t find jobs? It makes me really question why I gave up my social life in college just to end up going nowhere


New petition: Calling American billionaires “oligarchs”


Got a talking to for having a personal life outside work hours

I went to a concert last night for the first time since the pandemic started. I was super excited about it. A week prior I had let half my team (the ones me not being available would affect) know that if anything were to come up after work hours I wouldn’t be available. So in our team meeting yesterday morning I reminded the whole team that I wouldn’t be available for any overtime should something come up. No one said anything about it. Come this morning one of my team members video chatted me and told me that the way I went about telling the rest of the team wasn’t the best and I can’t just say I have a hard out without asking anyone to cover since I’m the only one who really knows how to do my job. I asked if this was an fyi this is how…


My boss is holding my check hostage basically trying to forcing me to work on the weekend.

So I've been working for a small excavation company for about almost a year now my boss is a pretty decent guy however I've noticed a few things that raise some concern to me. So as an employee we don't get direct deposit we get delivered paper checks from the boss and usually they are about a day late sometimes. We typically dint work weekends, however We didn't work one day out of the week because of the weather was really bad and for an excavating company working in bad weather is not ideal. My boss sends a text to all of us the night before letting us know that we are going to be working Saturday because we missed the day throughout the week. Mind you I had already made plans for the weekend with my girlfriend and i didn't want to cancel on her. At the end of…


Working to Death in Victorian London… introduction sounds similar.