
I am black listed by my previous employer for sending them an email about my managers harassment and how it took such a huge tole in my mental health and home life and they have the nerve to post shit like this on a daily basis. I just wanted to make sure it doesn’t keep happening


Why is everyone talking about compensation and not about stakeholder capitalism?

Long time lurker, first time poster. A higher salary is nice but the deck is still stacked against workers due to how taxes are structured and the fact capital can easily move abroad and avoid taxes all together. We need to think about how companies should be structured that employees can become shareholders. Cooperations, dynamic equity systems or something else entirely?


This is the only acceptable communication to send to a staffing agency. Don’t get fucked just to afford being alive.


My boss told me to stay at work for 3 more hours for FREE and have my partner do everything by herself. *We work for a cleaning company and don’t get an hourly base pay, for context*


9°C in a restaurant where we couldn’t wear any sleeves/jackets. Had to wash dishes in even colder water.



I think we need to start talking about housing in the USA. The situation has devolved from difficult to a humanitarian crisis. On one hand we have 400sq-ft studios requiring $30/hr to qualify and on the other we have reports all over the place of people getting hit with hundreds of dollars of rent increases. Buying property has become completely inaccessible to the working class. And forget going out into the sticks, remote workers have snatched up everything. How many people are stuck in abusive households because they can't leave? How many people are stuck trying to raise a kid in a 1 bedroom apartment because they cant afford or can't find an available 2 bedroom. How many people are stuck in their state or city because there is nothing remotely affordable anywhere else? The mobility of the working class has been virtually eliminated. The ability of the working class…


I accepted a job today after my current job offered me bereavement then took it away

In the middle of January, my father (who I lived with) died. My boss and their boss both gave me verbal confirmation I can get bereavement so I can take a couple of days. After hearing this, I EMAILED the boss as requested to confirm the days. She agreed! Then a couple hours later, she emailed saying she said yes thinking I didn’t have sick days left so I MUST use those instead. However if I need future assistance she will “help me.” After hearing this as well, I started looking for a position who would treat me like a pawn and I accepted a job today! I told them about this and they made sure to make me feel included and shared their support!


When the interview process doesn’t equate to what they want to pay you.


We’ll pay you with thoughts and prayers, thanks


Got COVID during my two weeks notice. Boss still wants me to work.

As the title suggests, I handed in my two weeks when we were creeping up to my 4th year anniversary of work. I had every intention to complete my tasks and even train someone if they hired someone intime before my departure. I already transferred all my files off my device and into the work server. (Yeah, I had to provide my own device) I left because I haven’t seen a single raise, let alone a bonus since I started and the workload grew exponentially with the company but the working conditions somehow worsened. I have a desk job but boss insists the office be beautiful so all my coworkers and I are having ergonomic related issues with our bodies as we sit in their antique woven chairs for 8+ hours a day. They’ve always expressed that they’d never let me go and that I was a huge part of…