It’s almost like a profits>life culture.
Obligatory burner account notice. What the title says, anon and posting on behalf of a friend because they would probably be fired from this place if this manager found out. The regional dispatching agency called the cops for a “welfare check” on their employees because this agency is so short staffed that if someone calls in sick, they don't have enough people to cover every agency and frequency that they have a contract to provide a service for. So for the dispatchers who are on their days off, this means that their manager harasses them constantly to come in and work shifts. My friend had almost ten texts and three missed calls in one day from this manager harassing them to come in and work on their day off. Some of them are working 60 plus hours a week and if they don't want to be worked into the ground…
For context, I work at a small used car lot, the office is connected to the garage. The garage has 2 bays for washing and servicing, but the one closest to the office doesn't get used regularly. The past week, there has been an increasing smell of sewer gas coming into the office, and today it's borderline unbearable. I called the owners and they basically told me to deal with it until he can get someone to come look at it. I guess I'm wondering, does anyone know any laws or anything I can throw at the owners to show I'm serious and they should also take this seriously? I'd hate to quit over something so ridiculous, but thinking about somebody else coming to work in these conditions seems ridiculous to me too. TL;DR my office smells like sewer and the owners won't do shit about it
Pete seeger
1% is terrible.
I've been working at my current job for almost 6 months. Was given a yearly raise based on 4 months of work equaling 1 percent. I get to make an extra 380 dollars this year. Regardless of how long I've been there, this should be absolutely criminal.