Just a bit of a rant here. I got a new job and have been working 6 days a week at just under 40 hours (so the company avoids providing me any benefits). Tell me why approximately $120/week in taxes is being taken out of my paycheck. That’s nearly $500/month in taxes being taken out while I already live paycheck to paycheck. And I live in an infamously “low tax” state where the infrastructure and public utilities lie in complete shambles. The amount of my (and other Americans) money going straight into politicians pockets and corporate handouts is absolutely pathetic. Maybe this doesn’t seem like a lot to some, but it is for me.
All of the unvaccinated people got to keep working from home. And it didn’t matter the reason— religious, medical, didn’t matter. If you hadn’t been vaccinated, you go to keep working from home. But those of us who did our parts to help end the pandemic, we were made to come back to the office. Even though for the last year and a half, we had record numbers and awesome productivity. I emailed HR today to ask when the unvaccinated would have to come back. They said they were still allowed to stay WFH. I asked why and explained why that isn’t fair. They said it’s because they want to keep all employees safe. Great. So, when I try to have a WFH day, I have to jump through hoops and lie about feeling sick. But these unvaccinated fucks who claim some bull shit religious exemption get to WFH for……
The two sides are contrived, created and crafted. They aren’t organic results of differing points of view. They exist to suck you in to one side. The news isn’t going out and asking your opinion. They aren’t reporting your thoughts or feelings. They don’t care. They often have a tempting message, something you’re encouraged to identify with. These thoughts aren’t yours. As corporations extract your wealth, they will have you point your finger. If we can help it, let’s not “own nothing and be happy”.