I seriously see no issue in doing this.
Seems like the entire movement from top to bottom needs to realign pay rates more realistically for the inflation situation. Not to mention minimum is the very bottom rung. That would mean all jobs need to readjust their pay-scales which they should have already done. Apparently congress wants to Cap Nurses pay LOL that’s incredible. Pay rates are becoming fighting words my dudes. We need to do better to demand equity in pay compared to administrative levels. Profit margins are going to have to suffer if they want anyone to waste gas money, childcare for the day on rates that don’t cover just travel and childcare expenses let alone rent, groceries and other bills. We need to stop making excuses and start demanding change.
lol delusional
So…we've all experienced gatekeeping on here at some point, if not recently, in the past, and a recent top level post got me thinking about how to explain this to this sub. So, that said, I figured I would discuss a bit about anti work from the capitalist side of things, and explain where I come from on things. “But but…you can't be anti work without also being anti capitalist!” Uh…wrong. It really depends on your ideology. Let's define terms. My definition of being “anti work” is roughly the same as what the leftist definition is, being anti wage slavery. I'm against coercive forms of work. That doesn't mean I'm necessarily against all work, or that I dont understand that some work needs to be done. I certainly do. If anything, pragmatic considerations are a huge reason I'm still on the “capitalist” side of things. So…let's define anti work as…