
Been unemployed for two months and am actually beginning to starve

My bf and I were working for the same company and were both laid off 3 days before Christmas. Spent a couple weeks in a depression hole but have been solidly applying to any and all jobs I see listed for almost 2 months now. Unemployment claim was denied and I have $20 left in the bank. We have had to start majorly rationing our food just so we can get by and I’m so so hungry. Haven’t had more than 1 meal a day in weeks and I’m starting to get so weak it makes it harder to get up and keep looking for new employment every day. Oh, and to top it off most of my family refuses to help because “you can just go out and get any job. Theres a million. Stop being lazy.” I am tired. I am literally starving. At this point I’d rather…


“Unprofessional” wage discussions

I work for a large company, and I recently had my review, for which my position got a salary adjustment and I got a sizable raise. At my meeting with leadership I had mentioned that I had heard the new salary number floating around from some of my team members. I was asked who from – to which I stated that I did not want to provide any names. After that I was told that it is extremely unprofessional and rude to discuss wages with coworkers. My supervisor pretty much hurried off of the call and hung up – I thanked him for his time and he said nothing. He was clearly pissed off. I’m honestly worried about retaliation. I know it’s illegal, but I could see them making up some other reason to fire me or something. My sup did reach out via chat to apologize for storming off,…


Not a great story but oh well

On my 3rd week at a new job, 22k a year (in London, UK). It reaches 5:30pm and I say 'see you tomorrow' to my supervisor. She replies with 'errm you can't go until I say you can. Have you finished your work?'. I replied 'yes' and quit. 22k a year in London leaves me with maybe £200 a month after rent and bills if I do nothing else with my days and live in a dog shit studio flat. Also, to get this job I went through two interviews, one of which was 2 hours long. I'm honestly done with this bs culture of 'bringing the bread to the table'. Venting over, thanks for listening.


Everyone talks about discussing wages. How about we talk about the emotions and hostile work environment this creates? And once again, diverting the issues and feelings to the wrong people and letting management/corporate off the hook.

**PREFACE: I am 100% onboard for discussing wages, this is not about whether or not to discuss, this is talking about WHEN it's discussed make sure we can do something about it** ​ When you are at a job and a wage discussion gets brought up, hard feelings happen. It's human nature and it cannot be avoided in some situations. Let me give an example… You have Employee A who has been with the company for a couple of years. Now you have someone new starting and you find out they are making more than you are. First thing you are going to ask is, why? Maybe they have more experience, maybe a better education and so on. But for argument's sake, let's say they are “equal” Well the first thing that's going to happen is Employee A is going to feel upset and angry someone is making more than…


A scene from the 2010 film adaptation of Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal. The billionaires have killed millions.


Saw This Garbage at Work Today


“Reagan” – Killer Mike


Why the fuck are employers so damn picky?

Kind of a vent, I'm so frustrated. I'm at the point where we're seriously struggling and panicking about paying rent. I've put in 50+ physical and digital applications this month alone and NOTHING. I'm not applying for god damn government jobs at $25 an hour, I'm applying for 7/11s, big chain retail stores, and fast food. I just keep getting the dreaded “we don't think you'd be a good fit for our minimum wage shit job, you don't have university level education or 6 years retail experience uwu” I have 4+ years retail+ restaurant experience and my last 3 jobs have been very long term. I have quality references. I don't fucking understand why a 22 year old can't find work in a town begging for employees. It's not like I even have gaps in my resume, other than the past 2 months due to the ridiculous pickiness of employers.


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unemployed men with criminal records could be key to solving the U.S. labor shortage