
Australia school implementing a new anti-phone imitative. Person in comments is worried about employers not being able to reach their child labourers during school hours.


I’m going back to work next week after two months of burn out recovery and kind of freaking out.

Way back during the Toilet Paper Wars my job deemed me as “essential” for the hotel I worked at. I spent nearly the whole apocalypse doing 12 hour days 6 days a week. It got to the point where I was living there, 12 hours on shift, 12 hours crashed out in a room, 12 hours back on, etc. That was until a few days after Christmas. My boss in all his infinite generosity gave me two days off IN A ROW! Can you believe it? How awesome is that? It was during those two days I realized I was ready to end my life. I just couldn't do it anymore. So instead I sold nearly all my stuff, moved out of my shit box apartment, and back into my old bedroom at my parents house. Now let me take this moment to tell you I couldn't have survived this…


Sign this petition to support Flight Attendants demanding pay for boarding


People living in $16M mansion will pay $5 an hour for au pair to watch 4 kids for 40 hours+

We are looking for someone who is excited to work and make money. There will be occasions where we travel and require house-sitting or would like our Au Pair to work additional hours beyond 40 per week. We will compensate our Au Pair $200 per week.


I’m quitting my job of about 2 weeks. The Tim Hortons I work for doesn’t allow us to refuse service to those not wearing masks, nor allows us to provide masks for guests. The convoy is currently in my city, and I’m not about to expose to those in my life to unnecessary risk. How’s my letter?




A reminder that a company would send you to die for their profits, and would not bat an eye to cut you when you are not needed anymore.


“I know you think you’re important here, but you’re not.” — old man (customer) doesn’t understand personal space.

Sorry for any formatting errors, on mobile. I’m a low level manager at well-known home improvement store and nearly bit my tongue in half. I’m in shambles in my car now, I just can’t swallow this one. This old man was leaning over my cashier’s shoulder while she was ringing through his order. He was beside the glass and breathing down her neck with no mask on. That’s not what this is about though. I walked up and told him I would appreciate it if he could stay behind the glass. He replied in a snarky manner, “ooh don’t want to catch covid” I replied, “it’s a matter of personal space” He said, “she can’t hear behind the glass” “I beg to differ” I say He then says what was included in the title. “I know you think you’re important here, but you’re not.” At this point he’s walking towards…


Can’t go to work because there is a cat on my car’s roof.



Like, zoinks