The title says it … why do I give a shit? I’ve never even met the people I’ve upset … no one was hurt as a result of my mistake, no one lost money. But I still let them make me feel like garbage … goddamn
When we took over in 2017, BC had one of the lowest minimum wages in Canada.Now it's the highest of any province.And going forward, increases will be tied to the rate of inflation.We’re making sure BC workers do not get left behind.— John Horgan (@jjhorgan) February 10, 2022
Labour Strikes on Mega Corps…..
What if for example everybody who worked at walmart across the united states just decided to form the Walmart America union, and refuse to work until salaries were reasonable. The people technically have more power the corporations if they unite. Lets take over Walmart, with a collective union. The time of the Waltons making bank while the workers are on food stamps should be over. Lets target corporations with united labour movement. 6 figure salaries should not be reserved for tech bros and hedge fund kids. 6 figure salaries should be for everybody who makes this world function.
Parental obligations before work
I’m currently in the midst of a high risk pregnancy. Just finished the first trimester and have needed some time off from work to go to doctors appointments and ultrasounds. I was originally pregnant with twins and one isn’t going to make it. Needless to say it’s been tough on me and hard to process. Right after I got that news, me and my 1 1/2 yo got diagnosed with Covid. We were so so sick and since I WFH my manager expected me to just work through… until I specifically asked if there was someone I could talk to about taking time off to get better for me and my kid. They gave me 5 days and on the third I was threatened with losing my job because I didn’t say “ I’m still sick “ every morning to my manager. That was a couple weeks ago. Fast forward…
I've been getting tired of setting appointments for job openings, and whoever I'm supposed to interview with arrives more than 30 minutes late. Why have me pick a time if you're not going to have the decency to call at that time. I've got a new rule now that if you're more than 15 minutes late, I won't pick up the phone. Time is valuable, and you're wasting mine. Funny how executives always say time is money but then treat employees like they have an infinite amount of it. When they say time is money, what they really mean their time is worth more than yours.