The great resignation
Small businesses can rarely pay a living wage. And there are a lot of them. So many of them in fact, that their inability to pay living wages actually suppresses the average wages. Large corporations will (sometimes) pay more, but the floor is so low due to the economic non-viability of most small businesses that they don’t have to pay much more than a living wage. Small businesses are touted as a way to fight back against corporations, yet their continued existence lowers the value of labor as a whole in the market. If capitalists really believe in “the free hand of the market” they will agree that any small business that can’t afford to pay its workers a wage they need to survive SHOULD close. We need to stop giving our money and labor as charity to the petite bourgeois if we want this dynamic to change
Thinking about this makes me sick
I like this forum, its causing me to hold my myself to a higher standard and if I could give a single piece of advice it would be – Dont alter your argument to make it seem more appealing to others or fit in, stay true to your core message. This isn't political or intended to offend, I just thought it a concept that I could make that wasn't already in the discourse. 🙂 “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” – Emma Lazarus The exploitation of desperate disadvantaged people to harvest the “surplus value” of their labour by a class of people who's ancestors had material wealth bestowed to them is gentrified capitalism. In the case of the US, tory…
Stop telling Americans to riot.
I’ve seen an increasing amount of posts from people outside the US saying “man, if I were you guys I’d be rioting” Would you? Let’s rewind a year and a half to the George Floyd protests. The vast majority of which were peaceful. The US government literally sent their military after us. The people that paid for that military. And the cities that didn’t have military sent in? Didn’t matter because the cops were outfitted like the military. I get the sentiment, but asking/telling people to riot is simply not an option. The ultra wealthy have the government in their pocket and the government controls the military. This isn’t an easy problem to solve, hence people living in the US being so damn miserable and tired. We want change, but change is hard to do the right way. Especially when your tax dollars are used against you in the form…