
Narcissistic, abusive boss keeps on getting worse. Need help. HR won’t do anything.

Someone very close to me is having really concerning issues with his boss. He’s a salesman at a large regional group of dealerships. At first, the GM was supportive and everyone liked the dude, he would always make weird, sometimes sexually inappropriate comments towards subordinates, but it was just seen as him trying to be funny. He’d always lend a helping hand when reps would try to close a deal and used to always be someone you could rely on for guidance if you ever had trouble doing something. He’s like a master salesman and people reader, incredible ability to close customers, but his skill set has also allowed him to be able to control and effectively manipulate some of the employees. Especially the newer reps or “greenpeas”. Everything was manageable until the last two months. It started when he made absolutely everyone come in for New Year’s Day at…


My old job as a school bus driver used paper time sheets. After they screwed up my pay and claimed I handed in the time sheet late, I was through.


Non-profits are no exception

I work at a small non-profit with a nationally recognized name. I have been employed there since 2018. I specifically chose to work at a non-profit so I could feel better about working everyday, I figured at least I was helping people. This mentality is exactly what they want, because it allows them to take advantage of employees. I did countless tasks and projects beyond my job description, scope of understanding, education and training. I transferred all staff from their current broken down desktop computers to new laptops, I am in zero ways an IT professional. I moved the entire 5000 sq office BY MYSELF to a new smaller suite when rent was too high during the pandemic, for that I got a $250 bonus. I could go on and on and on and on, that's not n even the tip of the iceberg. My boss, the CEO, is stepping…


I want to kill myself every pay day.

After 2 years I just got a whooping 65 cent raise. On top of inflation I now pay 600 a month for health insurance. I typically have to pay things late so we can eat it’s getting to the point where I have been having suicidal thoughts every other Friday. A lot of “what’s the fucking point?” I’m 39. I was always told work hard and it will pay off. WHEN? Because I’ve never been unemployed since 16 and I’m more behind than ever!! I’ve had it with working for someone else’s awesome life. I want my own. Im going to make something happen this year or I’m going to dive off of a fucking bridge.


You should only sleep 3 hours per day. Rest, friends and family are note important. You should only blame yourself if you can’t make ends meet.




Saying they can’t find workers, giving them benefits like higher pay.

They are also saying they would like to pay them more but can't afford while they have giant trucks delivering Mushrooms and making millions. They want more immigrants so that they can continue underpaying them. Workers are going to construction or somewhere else because they earn more there. How 400 Million Mushrooms Are Grown A Year In This Small Town | Big Business: ​ That's really bullshit


Working in a team you don’t fit in? What would you do?

It's been a month since I finally found a job in an office after long searching. I hate the tasks or that I have to work full time (who does) but I also feel like I don't belong here. A person, who started 2 weeks ago is already warmly welcomed and invited to all lunches but who am I to complain when I'm just the quiet introvert. The team is full of pseudo-friendly and fake people. The woman sitting next to me is even worse. I just feel like I don't fit in, they're all highly-motivated people who already seem to be good friends together, everyones work-oriented and I'm the opposite. I dread going to work everyday and the only highlift of my week is when I have doctor appointments in the morning and can go to work later. So my question: would you quit if you were in my…


A reply i wrote to the anti “r/antiwork”

Not agreeing with that sub reddit makes you stupid imo. And i come from right wing ideology, let me explain. What do you prioritise from the perspective of being a human? Being a useful tool by people who are luckier than you? Technology keep advances, and innocent people are thrown to the streets. Some are disabled, due to work, unable to fight for compensations. How can a simple human keep with a technology pace that meant to become inhuman? So evantually it becomes more clear when there wouldn't even need a technician/programmers needed anymore, and we'll have ultra sentient ai able to to do everything human does many times better, they simply serve the lucky people at the top, some of which may have not even know who was it to provide them with status inheritance, yea thats where my right wing ideology come into play, there is zero merit…


On Call Laws

What are the on call rules for GA? I am a county employee and my job is starting the sign-ups for people to be on-call. Do I have any right to on call pay?