
Knowledge workers?


Sad, but true


This came across my facebook and cracked me up. I wish more of us were so bold.


Big corporations need to be taking notes here


How do y’all feel about this? People in the responses are really mad…


Seattle restaurant wanted to interview me today. Did a quick Google search just to find out their head chef was accused of over a dozen sexual misconduct allegations. They plan to reopen with him at the helm. This was my response.


I was walked out of work today because I said the word union on my lunch break.

Today during lunch I was talking to my buddy about how I believe unions are good, and more people should trust them. Well long story short before the end of the day I was in HR and fired for discussing union organization and “trying to insight a riot”. Wow I already found a better job, but do I just let it go or?


i say i have a cap on time budgeted for travel, anymore than 15 mins ill need to be compensated for it.

if it takes me longer to get to work due to traffic ill still expect to be paid for the alotted shift, if you book me from 7-5 you get me from 645, to 715, and i expect to be thanked for that 30 min total of time as a courtesy im providing. ill leave my house at 645 if it takes me an hour to get to work due to traffic i still expect to be paid from 7.


University Witholding Transcript due to “Late Payment Fee” from 12 years ago

I don't know if this fits into anti work here but sort of fits into the detrimental college/employment relationship most of us are experiencing. I was recently hired for a remote position that requires a background check. Everything cleared except the prospective employer did not hear back from my university (US institution) while trying to verify my degree. I then requested a transcript myself, only to find out that apparently there is a hold on my account from the Bursar's office. When I contacted the Bursar's office they notified me that despite paying my tuition in full, there was a “late payment fee” of $100 from over 12 years ago. As a result, they aren't releasing my transcript. I was unaware I still owed this fee, furthermore employers in the past have contacted this University to verify my degree without issue. At this point in time I am unable to…


What really is inflation?

Would it not matter if the ratio to how much you make per hour is the same as merchandise? For example if I made 15 an hour and gas was 5 dollars a gallon. In one hour of work I can buy 3 gallons. If during inflation gas rose to 15 dollars a gallon and my wage went up to 45 per hour the ratio stays the same. A post on here reminded me of this. It said back in early 1900s someone made 1000 a year and bought their house for 3000. In the current time you can buy a house for 150k. It's not going to be the greatest but if you made 50k a year that is still the same ratio as back then.