
Opinion | Let’s All Sweat Student Debt


I just had Covid

And my manager texted me every single day—not with the intent to ask to see how I was, but to see when I could come back in. Sigh.


I don’t know if anyone remembers a post about a leak in my office a while back, Great news is the company finally fixed the leak! They even fitted new curtains and everything, Its really holding up so far!


To all the morons who thought NY is banning people wearing masks. Of course it isn’t….


Why does LinkedIn still have job listings w/o salary info?

If I'm in New York, and if New York recently passed a law that requires salary disclosure in ads, why are there ads on LinkedIn that say the information is not available?


The managers at my job started power tripping, they put me on probation because I was usually 1-2 minutes late and sent me this BS.


When are we organizing?

Speaking as an American here (28M), I’m not very optimistic of my future here. Unchecked Capitalism continues to see our nation prop up a select lucky few at the detriment of millions. Technology companies (specifically Bay Area ones) have gone basically unregulated for years, and I have a strong suspicion they’re driving the current divide even further. When are we going to do something about this? I’m tired of waiting on government.. tired of waiting for fair treatment from employers.. tired of being abused by student loans… tired of not being able to afford a place to live where I work… tired of needing to burn myself out to survive here. The working class of America needs to go on a collective strike. Employers need us just as much as we need them. If we don’t stand up for ourselves, the divide will get to a point where the working…


Hello! Noob Introduction

Hi I'm from the Uk and was a lurker but have decided to join because of the interview, I was annoyed at how it was presented and the slander 🙁 by anti antiwork 🙂 commenters. I am 20's but dont have great literacy skills or computer knowledge, I was a Young carer and left school at 14 because i got sick and couldn't cope but hopefully will make up for it in persistence. We had over a half dozen articles which I posted the comment you can see in the picture, if you have any input feel free to comment or msg. I have never used reddit or social media so its a bit confusing if I dont respond its probably because I've got confused 🙂


Couldn’t help but laugh at this hiring post. Such a fat $$check$$ they have to advertise on IG


I really good read. A bit long and dragged out but all in all a decent good read….