So I'm currently unemployed that wants to work to get some cash and go to a new University to be a student again. The job I applied for is something I never did before in my life [Process operator], the pro's I earn a lot for my (early 20s) young age and work shifts (which I have experience in) and get 4 days off. The cons I am not experienced with it at all.. but they would like to Interview me anyways cause In my CV I wrote that I'm willing to study but didn't mention what specifically because I am currently ''rediscovering myself'' which they saw as an opportunity to educate me into their work. So they were interested and would like to interview me and ask questions like: Are you technical? and what shows that you are? Anyone with experience in this I appreciate your tips for this…
It should not have to be this difficult
Refusing to close
I work for a small business. It's a dog grooming shop. At the moment the owner is the only groomer, the rest of us are assistants. The manager is on leave to help family. I went into work yesterday and the owner tells me she is sick and has a fever so she'll need extra help. She took a rapid covid test which was negative. All I could think of was she shouldn't be here. She has a fever, go the fuck home. Call the manager ask if they can come in, if not close the shop. Reschedule the dogs. She's closed the shop twice this year due to weather and I was mindvlown. Ive worked there two years now and I think this year is the only time that's happened. I find it ridiculous to continue to work when you have a fever. I understand rescheduling all the appointments…
The least loved professions in the USA
The company I worked for has been hovering around $15M-USD year on year leading up to the pandemic. Ever since Covid they have been taking in $30M-USD+ for the last 2 years so thats $60M double their revenue. Alot of the good employees have left to find something else, but I realised one thing. Ever since the pandemic I have not received a single pay rise, even inflation is 7.5%+ or even worse double digits. All I ever get is words, that we are valuable employees and a essential to the business, management thanks us for our efforts blah blah blah etc… Every pay-check that I look at makes me depressed seeing it being fixed while housing has gone up 30%+ and the cost of living is just ever more expensive 10%+… I'm thinking of leaving my job and just live on government benefits instead. Perhaps file for mental illness…
John Maynard Keynes was an economist in the early 1920s who released a series of books about monetary policy and how governments operate under “fiat currencies”. (The Federal Reserve Note) This is a few paragraphs from one of his books. A Tract on Monetary Reform, chapter two 'Inflation as a Method of Taxation'. pg 43 “Let us suppose that there are in circulation 9,000,000 currency notes, and that they have altogether a value equivalent to $36,000,000 gold dollars. Suppose that the Government prints a further 3,000,000 notes, so that the amount of currency is now 12,000,000 notes; then, in accordance with the above theory, the 12,000,000 notes are still only equivalent to $36,000,000. In the first state of affairs, therefore, each note = $4, and in the second state of affairs each note = $3. Consequently, the 9,000,000 notes originally held by the public are now worth $27,000,000 instead of…
For context, this employer had no previous contact with me and didn't respond to any prior emails I sent. I withdrew my application as soon as I saw this o3o