
As a certified health care practitioner with a Masters Degree in my profession. This contract was proposed to me.


“If you didn’t want to be understaffed when I called out, you should have hired more workers”

So I have a question regarding this concept that this group seems equipped to answer. The idea is that a workplace shouldn't be understaffed if a member calls in because the business should already have someone hired to take on the role while you're away. Does this mean the business should hire extra people that are only really necessary when people call in? Does that reduce hours for everyone because there are more people that need hours? Or is the idea that these workers are only coming in when you call in? I've been confused as to how it's supposed to work for a while so if someone could explain it to me I would be very grateful


March 1: Knowing what to do and how to do it are crucial… but they are merely the preconditions for the most important step: DOING IT.


I’m an hourly employee at a top 10 company in the world and we are routinely asked to be more efficient with out time “work off the clock”

I’ve been with this company for about 6 months and 3/4 of our department will clock out when their shift is over but still work for another hour or so because we cannot get overtime. It’s a toxic environment where it is almost expected that we do this without the managers saying anything. Each of the other people in my department work 5-10 non-paid hours a week and those employees who don’t are asked to “Step up” to make sure their efficiency is that of the more senior employees. I am at a loss because I am not working for free.


In the UK. Just registered with an agency. Recommended I join the union!


Another person hired remote now being forced into the office


Kind of tired of breathing in fiberglass all day.


“Blame Corporate Greed!”


Is it so wrong leaving family behind for higher paying job?

Long story short I'm so sick working for my current company. I'm doing so much long hours working for Directors and CEO of $1 billion company just to be paid $12k/year. I know I can get lucrative finance job if I move out. But it also means I have to leave my family behind. If anyone had similar experience of leaving family behind for job, are you regretting it?


Basics of unionization?

I have some questions about unionization that I can't seem to find straight answers anywhere online. I would love some insight, especially from your experience. These are some of my questions: Can you use company resources to propagate unionization material? Such as email lists or computers? Can you discuss unionizing on the clock? Specifically, are there legal protections to doing so? Does unionizing have to be a formal process? Or can employees generally agree to unionize and then let their manager know? If you have any other information that you think may be helpful to someone who is interested in unionizing, please feel free to give your insight!