
Don’t give your mobile number to employers: Don’t let them track or spam you

I'm seeing several employers buy or gather mobile phone locations and advertisement data. Also, it allows them to text you links to documents, like new employee handbooks with trick changes, hoping you'll simply click the link to accept. Make them call you at a land line or through a 3rd party service not tied to your phone. It becomes much more effective to manage your time when you can simply say “I don't have texting; call me at my house and leave a message.” Keep your mobile number and email away from employers in any way possible.


A Breakdown of Wage Theft That Is Much Higher Now


“biLliOnAirES jUst wOrK haRDeR”


Which is worse big corporations or big governments?

What do you think which worse for you. Can a corporation get more powerful than the government?


Tired of all these

I don’t know if this is the right sub but I need to get this off my chest. I am just so tired of living my life. Adulting is so difficult I often can’t sleep properly because my mind can’t stop thinking. I am in my early 40’s and I live alone and I work in a hospital. My work is a hell. Working in the hospital where they want you to work long hours for a pittance and expect you to do SO MUCH because we are understaffed and yet they don’t want you to make mistake because of patient safety. I feel bad for the all nurses to be honest, so much work for 12 hours plus an hour or so of unpaid ovetime, dealing with abusive patients that expect you to do everthing for them. My pay isn’t much, that’s why I just rent a room instead…


It’s 2.30pm Sunday and I’m already thinking about work tomorrow. A 2 day weekend is not enough time to fully rewind & feel refreshed.

Dreading the thought of tomorrow and working a full 5 days next week. Omg. Why, why is this our lives? It sucks so bad. But I can’t win as I equally hate too much time off. I just want a nice little part time job that still enables me to pay the bills, mortgage, food and cat food. I don’t even go on holiday. Take aways are a treat that’s kept to a once a month expense. They say that we have a choice, but if we didn’t work then we would be homeless. So really we are slaves. We get a roof over our head and food. Meanwhile the elites at the top of the chain get to live like kings and queens. I can’t even imagine what their lifestyle even looks like.


Would you boomerang back to a previous employer?

Would you boomerang back to a previous employer? My old manager reached out and is offering me 20% more of what I am making currently, which is 50% more than what I was making previously. I left because I was underpaid and the role was a lot of work (2 roles combined into 1), other than that the previous job has better benefits (pension and student loan repayment) and better hours (7am-3pm), and a guarantee 2% merit raise, but no growth opportunities. At my current job, a lot of workers have worked there for 30+ years. Some are close to retirement, so there may be growth opportunities to move into a senior role, but the training is slow and I am not sure if I would get a decent raise as I have not had my yearly review yet. The current job also has been investing in me to learn…


Let’s make it illegal for the most vulnerable to live, because you know F*** them right? This is infuriating as all Hell, making homelessness a crime and in some cases a FELONY…


The math is just not mathing


Live to work…and help OTHERS achieve THIER goals!