US based and trying to get a clear answer- is it illegal in any US state to discuss wage? I currently work for a non-profit and a colleague disclosed that they signed a contract asking them not to discuss their pay- I think it’s illegal to ask employees not to, right?
be careful with who you hire for mod
Here is some background to my story: I worked at a school in South Carolina. I have mild ulcerative colitis. It is a condition listed under the Americans with Disabilities Act. The gist of this disease is that I shit a lot. Like 15-20+ times a day. I can’t control when. I’m on a strict diet. Sometimes I shit blood. My entire body is inflamed because of this disease. It’s an autoimmune disease so any time I have normal people health problems, it’s a little bit extra work for my body. Last year I began getting arthritis in my knees on top of all of this. I’m in my early 30s and managing this is new to me. The times of day when my stomach is at its worst is in the morning time. I wake up at 6am every day and sit on the toilet, and I see what…
Security Companies Be Like
fair pay or forced labor?
How long do y'all think it would take the government to either try and force us back to work or finally start getting their shit together as far as pay, benefits leave etc if Americans were to just all stay home? I say I'd give them maybe four days before they try and force us back