
“No one wants to work anymore” – me and my parents talk about work

In short, every Sunday my parents like to take us all out to eat. This time we went to Applebee's, and there's like a 3 minute wait because there's only two servers. And, they seem annoyed at this. “No one wants to work anymore” says my Dad. I found this so weird. I literally froze and had to come to terms that he's spouting one of the things I hate more than anything. I tell him it's not that people don't want to work, people just don't want to be exploited for way less than they're worth, and that I'm so proud of people standing up for themselves. He then makes some smart ass comment about how hopefully they're still standing up for themselves while they're starving for food. As if this wasn't enough, when we actually are seated my Dad goes off about how the server will probably fuck…


Job vs Career. Is it worth it?

I don’t know Katie or her employer. But this person was obviously committed to what they were doing. Definitely more than I ever could be. How much time do you think passed between promotions? How much did their wages increase? And most importantly, how was their quality of life throughout this journey?


[Humour] Some self help guru advice: Your boss is not your friend.


Even work for a company doesn’t even go to your meeting?

Whenever I had a meeting with the company. The actual management that worked on the night shift, wasn't there. It was a different manager from day shift. Who knows if the day manager told the night manager what my opinion was? Or they just to them im I trouble maker? Fuck that company. Did your company do that?


WCGW? Pitting your salesforce against each other

In today's episode of What Could Go Wrong? the case of the salesforce pitted against each other. I am leaving this company, so the amount of fucks given by me can be quantified as zero. However, for your amusement, I didn't want to withhold this precious jewel. Situation: My current company sells financial and erp-software, and consultancy and engineer services that go with it. There are currently three salespeople, myself included. Our sales manager is also the company's CEO. We sell three different products/platforms. Let's call them Red, Yellow and Blue. Red and Yellow are somewhat overlapping each other, Blue is a totally different thing. The sales reps are solely responsible for their product/platform. There is Yulia Yellow, she is responsible for promoting Yellow. She's in her 30s, not really a team-player, but helpful and generally cool to work with. Rudolph Red is an asshole. He was involved in the…


Got told by my manager that he doesn’t want me talking to clients, although I have brought in the highest profile Client 3 times this year. ” I do not have enough experience”. (Youngest employee)

I'm 25 (male) been working at an Interior Design company for a little shy of 2 years now. After an informative year, of learning a lot on the job and really assessing how people interact with each other (especially my Employer “boss” ) and solve problems in the office. in short, the office does not have the usual departments. NO HR for one is the first thing I noticed. I came into the company with a real drive to know and to ask, constantly asking questions as I was told and have seen it to be too. THE MORE QUESTIONS YOU ASK, THE BETTER! right. Well as the first year progressed I started to notice different hierarchies and tendencies of not wanting to be asked questions by my seniors (maybe because i was the youngest hire) , sending emails with very minimal explanations, and sending me to sites with no…


I was pretty keen to attend my zoom job interview until:


My work bought us pizza!

And then made us take notes on a 1 hour lesson and said that was our lunch break. Is that legal?


I’m just a custodian

I went to school for law and justice, was one course away from graduating and realized I didn't want to do it. Was a manager at a warehouse. Was a pharmacy tech and couldn't handle being yelled at by customers. So now I'm at peace as a custodian who can listen to music and podcasts all day. Some days I still don't want to go to work aha


WFH doesn’t mean available 24/7

I work from home, but have a set schedule. When I say I'm heading out, I'm OUT. I turn off the computer and close the office door. I have a coworker who routinely texts me to call customers back after I've “left.” Um, no. I'm not firing up the computer (which would be necessary to call because I'm not calling on my personal phone). If we worked in an office, would this coworker seriously expect me to go back into the office 2 hours after I've left? I've just started ignoring her completely when she does this. I'm firm on my boundaries and I think she's just jealous that I've negotiated a schedule that works for my life. My boss is absolutely fine with my performance and schedule. I'm just getting really annoyed. She's overstepped several times now.