
Computer being survailed by the company (surveillance of time used and what programs, maybe more) – How illegal and what to do to protect myself?

This is my first job out of academia. I work for a complete control freak CEO. CEO demands to know where we are on our work at home days (calls, messages, interrogations) and is massive micromanager. They oblige us to use a clock-in program that surveils our location in real time. CEO makes more mess than helps, constantly giving last minute tasks and then exploding if not done in time. I am in a senior middle management position for perspective. Now my COO just announced that we are to install anti-virus in our computers. However, the COO told to another colleague that the program they install also logs activity and what applications we are using. I suspect they will record more information (i.e. chats, emails etc). I already know for a fact that my CEO doesn't have any problems going through other people's mails without their permission, as they has…


What do you do if they won’t acknowledge a resignation notice?

I have an hourly contract. It has not been going well, it’s really mind numbing work, and I haven’t seen myself staying there that long anyway. The straw that broke the camels back was when they straight up said that they expected me to work the last week of this month because they didn’t have coverage…. This is a remote job that is stupid easy and there are seven other people on this team… I sent an email announcing my two weeks notice this morning and they haven’t responded almost 4 hours later. I’m seriously considering just quitting out right and not giving them any notice but it would be nice to have one more paycheck. I have also contacted the staffing agency so they are aware but I haven’t heard from them either on next steps like giving back my equipment. What do you guys recommend?


I’m gonna go off the board and say the Joe Biden who was forced to drop out of the 1988 presidential campaign after being exposed as a serial liar & a plagiarist is my favorite.


Left out

Idk if this is the right place but I need to vent. Everyone of my coworkers got a stocking that got hung up on the fireplace in the lobby with their names. Nobody told me anything about this and I didn't know until they just got hung up. I went and asked the manager for one and she said “I have to buy more” I told her I'm being left out and she just said “I don't have one either” like your the fkn manager wtf. Not to mention I've worked here for two years and they send me back and forth to each hotel whenever they feel like it. Like wtf.


Scheduled 9 days in a row

I agreed to work weekends and holidays if I could work under 20 hours a week. I’ve worked every holiday and my birthday for the past few months. I pick up at least 3 or 4 shifts per WEEK when people call out. This only made me seem like a pushover and my manager takes advantage. I’m routinely scheduled over 50 hours a week. I’m completing a paralegal degree and studying for the LSAT….all of which I have no time for when working over 50 hours per week. I also work in a pharmacy and will be the only person at pick up. So I just spend 8-9 hours dealing with angry and impatient customers every day. With zero breaks (we don’t have lunch and I don’t even take 15 mins). Now I have to work 9 days in a row and expected to work Christmas and Xmas eve. I…


Discussion/Vent: Absurd HR/LinkedIn oxymorons. What stupidly contradictory things have you seen or heard lately?

I'll start Companies: “We need young blood to replace our aging/retiring workforce!”…. Also companies: “You don't have 12 years of experience?!? Next candidate.” HR on LinkedIn: “I alWAyS hiRE am-bee-shus PeePul”…. HR with management: “This candidate was very ambitious, so I don't know if he will stay. Let's look at the 2nd one.”


Do you guys generally get paid when you take a sick day

I don’t get paid sick days- that’s just unexpected time off. My current and last jobs, (non-profit/social work field), did not provide paid sick leave. Even FMLA is unpaid. I guess I’m not understanding how people with chronic illnesses don’t become homeless


Fired after 3 months the minute I got back from injury

I'm not really sure why I'm posting beyond the fact that I'm absolutely gutted and feeling like crap but I guess just venting about it makes me feel a little better. For the record I'm in Ontario, Canada. I started working for a new company in September, choosing them over another opportunity because it left me with some more options with a second job. Last week, I fell while on the job and could not put weight on my foot. I was sent to the hospital and got a WSIB and came back as soon as I was able too (today) They let me work for a few hours before deciding to pull me aside and let me go. They said they wanted to do this with me the previous week but because I was injured they were unable to. This is a family run business who “are very family…


Alan Watts on Money and American Work System (1965)


Can you guys help me help my friend? I think her the company she works for is doing something that they cannot do.

She lives in the Midwest and works for a company where she works 100% remote online. At the end of last week she started to get really sick (vomiting, fever, cough, congestion, extreme fatigue, rash). She was too sick to be able to work, but she knew she needed a note so she went to urgent care and her PCP. She tested positive for flu. Both doctors wrote notes excusing her from work for this reason. She messaged her manager explaining the situation, said she she had doctors notes, asked what to do. Her manager said she had no more PTO to use for sick days this year and that she needed to reach out to HR. She reached out to HR who told her that her only option was to apply for short term disability and to take a short (a week) leave of absence. All this just to…