
Worked at Gucci, it was hell

I was a “luxury sales associate” at Gucci. I’ll list all the reasons it was ass: poor hourly wage (decent commission if you can make sales and 50% off which is cool but when you consider what you’re making each check and when you consider a Gucci tshirt is $2500 minimum, it’s laughable) the management at my store was fucking insane (petty, rude, mean girl energy. The luxury fashion stereotype. One manager told me not to get chicken for lunch because “fat girls…ew.” The head store manager (like the main boss of the store) would tell alllll the other employees how bad of a salesperson I was and how they were trying to find a way to get me fired??? Lmfao (don’t threaten me with a good time). the store manager was also a vile human. Made awful gay jokes and ableist jokes and insulted peoples physical appearance. we were…


Dan the Man


Shitty CEO gave this book as a “holiday gift” to the entire hospital my friend works at in NYC.


“If your dog died, you need to bring him in and prove it to us. If it’s a ‘family emergency,’ too bad. Go work somewhere else.”


Boss is offering my replacement almost double my salary

I work as a secretary for an attorney, and I'm starting school in less than a month and I told her about 5 months ago to get a replacement. She is just now getting one. My mom used to work for her and comes in from time to time to help with a lot of stuff nobody in the office knows how to do. My mother requested a few dollar raise from 14 dollars an hour and my boss said she needed to find another job. Now she's offering an 18 year old freshman at least 23 dollars an hour to come in for 10hrs a week. She can be soo weird sometimes, there was a few times when she sent my mom home crying and she can snap and blame people for something that is her fault and she never apologizes. She's gotten better since she made my mom…


Daughter was born 3 months early and was in the NICU for 94 days…who can guess the bill?

Located in the USA and thankfully because of her birth condition she qualified for Medicaid, but go ahead and guess what the stay came out to. (Hint, it’s a lot) Edit: Already got a winner! It was $1.35mil! LOVE THE USA


The voted down amendment to at 7 sick days to the contract had two distraction goals. First, to make the conversation about sick days instead of blocking the strike. Second, to distract from the vote tally on blocking the strike. 36 Republicans voted to block the strike.

First of all: Fuck Joe Biden, Fuck the Democrats, Fuck the Republicans. Long live labor. TL;DR – 36 Republicans 44 Democrats and Joe Biden all blocked a union's right to strike. Anybody expressing gratitude to Biden and the Democrats for “saving the economy” or “serving the American people” by doing this… has to thank at least 16~ senate Republicans for the same thing. Why does the fact that 36 senate republicans voted with 44 senate democrats to deliver the anti-striking legislation to Biden matter? Well my friends I invite you to review some of the conversations we've been having in the comments. Have you seen comments like this? They had to block the strike! Rail corporations wanted the strike to happen because it would have justified them running even leaner operations! Or this one? The economy would have been ruined! Biden and the Democrats have saved the American people. I…


Oliver Garden Manager gets fired for his inspiring words.

Just the link. It explains it all. No paywall


Employer is trying to make us text about our mental health to some online therapy thing

This is part of a “wellness” seminar for staff. The facilitator told us to do this texting thing – text about our current mental health challenges, what we would feel “courageous” to share with our co-workers. They actually told us to “lean into the discomfort” if we didn't want to do it. That is cult shit, ffs. Supposedly it's all anonymous and no data is saved but LOL I do not buy that. No one seems to be considering that it's an employee's right NOT to discuss their mental health (or physical health) with their employer.


I come in peace- supervisor. I listen to what r/antiwork says and try to be better. Here’s a text string to my employee with sick kids. How am I doing?