
part four and final of leaving a job of 9 years

I'm a week into my new job and it's going well so far. I was very transparent with my former employer about interviewing and accepting a job offer. Followed by an ass kiss fest and lies about a counter offer I never received. Week before I tendered my resignation with a two week notice I'm met with statements like, “we can't lose you” “you're such a valuable asset ” ” we're understaffed and need you” Day I tendered my resignation I'm met with shocked looks, like how did yall not see this coming, it's been almost two months and I told you I accepted an offer. After day two of my notice I receive an email saying I was no longer obligated to fulfill my notice and I can arrange a pickup for my personal belongings and return any work property. Mind blowing to me, nine years, can't lose me…

I'm a week into my new job and it's going well so far. I was very transparent with my former employer about interviewing and accepting a job offer. Followed by an ass kiss fest and lies about a counter offer I never received.

Week before I tendered my resignation with a two week notice I'm met with statements like, “we can't lose you” “you're such a valuable asset ” ” we're understaffed and need you”

Day I tendered my resignation I'm met with shocked looks, like how did yall not see this coming, it's been almost two months and I told you I accepted an offer.

After day two of my notice I receive an email saying I was no longer obligated to fulfill my notice and I can arrange a pickup for my personal belongings and return any work property.

Mind blowing to me, nine years, can't lose me and they're understaffed but were so butthurt about my notice they basically said, “fine, we don't need you anyway!!!”

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