
Part time student fired with no warning before his birthday

Euro-antiworker finally joining the ranks of the unemployed! It happened today. No relevant information was given to me yet as to why I got fired today. I always did my job with passion and I always sympathized with the company’s philosophy. I was one of currently three employees, but others sometimes came to work on provision. However, things around the company have changed drastically. There are two possibilities that I could think of what happened. The boss, who used to like and respect me, has a mental illness and suddenly changed her personality and cowardly worked on replacing me with a new coworker and told him to bully me The narcissistic new coworker that got employed this month manipulated the boss and bullied me out of the company by asking me to work for free and with no lunch breaks (which I refused) Just to be clear, I really applied…

Euro-antiworker finally joining the ranks of the unemployed!

It happened today. No relevant information was given to me yet as to why I got fired today. I always did my job with passion and I always sympathized with the company’s philosophy. I was one of currently three employees, but others sometimes came to work on provision.

However, things around the company have changed drastically. There are two possibilities that I could think of what happened.

  1. The boss, who used to like and respect me, has a mental illness and suddenly changed her personality and cowardly worked on replacing me with a new coworker and told him to bully me
  2. The narcissistic new coworker that got employed this month manipulated the boss and bullied me out of the company by asking me to work for free and with no lunch breaks (which I refused)

Just to be clear, I really applied myself at this job, treated my clients with utmost respect and agreed to work paid overtime this month, even though it’s hot and nice outside, I am a part time student and celebrate many birthdays in June, including my own. I did this to help the company keep customers it desperately needs.

But anyway. This coworker installed a new company culture and hierarchy, where he acts like a boss and scolds me like a child. In the end, I stayed strong and refused to do work for free or let myself be bullied by a brand-new coworker, who himself makes all kinds of silly mistakes.

Before I left the building, I wrote the boss a letter and explained my view on things and complained about this abusive coworker. This one includes a protocol of all the coworker’s mistakes and disrespectful remarks about me and even about the boss herself. It’s three pages long and I wrote it on Friday, because I suspected trouble. (Pro tip, write everything someone does against you in a document and always keep it with you, on paper or digitally!)

Maybe she changes her mind, but… does it even matter? My disgust with her and her company is immeasurable. Such humiliation shall only bring them obliteration.

I lost my job and valuable relationships, I am not even allowed to say goodbye and probably get smeared now by the narcissist.

But I preserved my dignity and my character. I actually believe I did the right thing.

The company we are talking about is on the brink of going bankrupt and there are some strange, possibly illegal activities, that I am going to expose to some contacts I have. I did mention that there are customers the company desperately needs and since I got fired like that… good luck with that.

The narc had the audacity to suggest that I am allowed to still work for free in June. It's sad how narcs always win on this broken prison planet. The worst thing you can do is freak out. Do get angry and defend yourself, but stay calm and professional like me is my advice.

If you have any suggestions what else I can do, let me know!

I will file for unemployment and finish my studies. I’ve got some Euros to survive for some time, a few bags of rice and oats and – any apes here? – a large bet on some quality stonks, which I won’t liquidate! Apes strong together 🙂

“It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile, a gentleman will walk but never run.”

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