
Partner and I accidentally snuck an order in at close with the sandwich place down the road

Website said 10, ordered at 8:57, they must’ve actually been closing at 9, not 10. So we got in under the wire, which I hate doing, but so it goes. ANYWAY. I ordered hot peppers on my sub, and it arrived with no less than a full 1/4 cup of HOT hot peppers on my standard sized sub. Comrade, if you’re here, fucking salute. Nothing but respect.

Website said 10, ordered at 8:57, they must’ve actually been closing at 9, not 10. So we got in under the wire, which I hate doing, but so it goes. ANYWAY. I ordered hot peppers on my sub, and it arrived with no less than a full 1/4 cup of HOT hot peppers on my standard sized sub. Comrade, if you’re here, fucking salute. Nothing but respect.

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