
Partner Has Child Support Payment Taken From Paycheck, But The Money is Missing

He is now thousands behind because his boss didn’t send the money to child support. We just found out tonight. We don’t know where the money goes, but in our state, if he doesn’t pay or if he gets too far behind, he goes to jail. He supports three kids, he can’t quit while simultaneously owning thousands in back support. SUPPORT HE ALREADY PAID the money just never got there. To make matters worse, we only found out because we were applying for a mortgage. Whether it was negligence or just flat out theft, how could this be happening? He is meeting with the owner on Thursday, because he won’t get answers unless he and the boss are face to face. I don’t make enough to support him and his kids while he looks for a new job but I would if I could. Unemployment won’t cover child support and…

He is now thousands behind because his boss didn’t send the money to child support. We just found out tonight. We don’t know where the money goes, but in our state, if he doesn’t pay or if he gets too far behind, he goes to jail. He supports three kids, he can’t quit while simultaneously owning thousands in back support. SUPPORT HE ALREADY PAID the money just never got there. To make matters worse, we only found out because we were applying for a mortgage. Whether it was negligence or just flat out theft, how could this be happening? He is meeting with the owner on Thursday, because he won’t get answers unless he and the boss are face to face. I don’t make enough to support him and his kids while he looks for a new job but I would if I could. Unemployment won’t cover child support and his partial custody costs. This is so fucked.

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