
Passive Aggressive Boss

I work in a small company where my contract literally states I can work any 8 hours between 7am to 6pm. I start at 8:30am and finish my 8 hours and leave around 4:30pm so I can get some sun . Today while I was leaving at 4:40pm my boss says “oh you’re leaving already it’s only 4:30.” And I’m like yes I usually come here at 8:30 and he goes very sarcastically “so you got your work done did you?” I just said yeah I did, see you tomorrow and walked out. I do genuinely get all my work done, I have constantly put in overtime despite not getting paid for it and yet I keep getting comments like these. Why do I have to stay till “5pm” and warm the bench and pretend to do work for those extra 20 mins…? Sick and tired of this patronising culture,…

I work in a small company where my contract literally states I can work any 8 hours between 7am to 6pm. I start at 8:30am and finish my 8 hours and leave around 4:30pm so I can get some sun .

Today while I was leaving at 4:40pm my boss says “oh you’re leaving already it’s only 4:30.” And I’m like yes I usually come here at 8:30 and he goes very sarcastically “so you got your work done did you?”

I just said yeah I did, see you tomorrow and walked out. I do genuinely get all my work done, I have constantly put in overtime despite not getting paid for it and yet I keep getting comments like these. Why do I have to stay till “5pm” and warm the bench and pretend to do work for those extra 20 mins…?

Sick and tired of this patronising culture, my time does not belong to you.

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