
Passive Agressive Ex-Workplace

So I had been a remote writer with this company. And I finally got a big break in life and I decided to pursue it. So I dropped them a message over their official channel and they said to email them the last day of working. Which I did around a month ago. Got a call from them today being like we didn't receive any email and this is unprofessional. The HR went on a mini rant till I told her that I did indeed inform and spent 2 weeks doing nothing. Then the HR was like we didn't receive any emails. I sent them a screenshot of the email. They said they'd check and get back. About a couple of minutes later they said email us to this ID instead. I told them that this should have been mentioned by the HR executive that I had interacted with and…

So I had been a remote writer with this company. And I finally got a big break in life and I decided to pursue it. So I dropped them a message over their official channel and they said to email them the last day of working. Which I did around a month ago.

Got a call from them today being like we didn't receive any email and this is unprofessional. The HR went on a mini rant till I told her that I did indeed inform and spent 2 weeks doing nothing.

Then the HR was like we didn't receive any emails. I sent them a screenshot of the email. They said they'd check and get back.

About a couple of minutes later they said email us to this ID instead. I told them that this should have been mentioned by the HR executive that I had interacted with and shouldn't be subjected to such a tone.

To which they basically said, at least lets end this on a “professional note”. I was like I was already professional about it. To which they just said send the email by end of day.

I am just super glad I got out of a toxic workplace that cannot see that the mistake was at their end.

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