
Pay me more if you don’t want me to quit…

This is a mini rant. This morning, my foreman asked me why I wanted to check how many hours I've accumulated since starting work. I was so tired, I needed to take a day off. They then proceeded to pry around and ask me if I had gotten a second job because they said I looked tired. I never opened my mouth about that and I have no idea how they caught on to ask that question. I didn't intend on telling them I had a second job (one unrelated to my first) but they put me on the spot and I couldn't lie to them, so I said yes. They then said, “see that's what I like about you, you're honest! So, you're gonna stay with us for a while, then?” I timidly said 'yes'. Before this conversation, I was actually planning on leaving so I could get better…

This is a mini rant. This morning, my foreman asked me why I wanted to check how many hours I've accumulated since starting work. I was so tired, I needed to take a day off. They then proceeded to pry around and ask me if I had gotten a second job because they said I looked tired. I never opened my mouth about that and I have no idea how they caught on to ask that question. I didn't intend on telling them I had a second job (one unrelated to my first) but they put me on the spot and I couldn't lie to them, so I said yes. They then said, “see that's what I like about you, you're honest! So, you're gonna stay with us for a while, then?” I timidly said 'yes'. Before this conversation, I was actually planning on leaving so I could get better hours at my second job and so I could finally find time to rest in the morning and study my course I was taking online.

I hate it when minimum wage jobs put you on the spot like that. It's not that I don't think I can't leave if I want, but now, it's put a wrench in my plans and they practically talked me into staying longer than I wanted. It's a two-bit janitor job scrubbing toilets, I hate it, but I took it out of desperation. In my opinion, it's none of their business what I do outside of work hours and they shouldn't put you against a corner to spill the beans about it. I get paid 10/hr at my first job where I have to wake up every morning at 3:30. I'm exhausted and then I have a second job just to have some extra income. I feel like I can't quit peacefully now because my foreman protested and said, “oh no, don't quit on us!” So, fuck jobs. If you don't want me dying from overwork and exhaustion or getting a second job to make ends meet, pay me more. They already make me do 3 people's jobs already because they're to stingy and lazy to hire enough workers. Minimum wage jobs aren't meant to be loyal or long term, they're made for job hopping. Why make it uncomfortable and awkward to make an employee barely able to scrape by with that income when they know there's better jobs out there that will improve their situation.

I know I complain about having to work two jobs when I was at the same time planning on quitting, but my janitor job has become too much work and after starting my second job, I realized I like that one better and the hours are better for me. Plus, with my courses I'm taking online, I don't have enough time to study and it's has a much better job prospect if I can pass them, I'm just floating through these temporary jobs so I can get by.

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