
Pay Question!

Hi everyone: I've been fortunate enough to take 1.5 years off from work but I need something for the next six months while I finish my degree. I applied to FedEx as a package handler since the hours available were perfect for my schedule and they reimburse you for school. Anyway, these companies dont do interviews because they lack retention. I know this is a red flag — the recruiter emailed me that the base pay is 18 and the bonus pay is $3 — I inquired what that meant and she said they pay extra at this location for now because it's hard to keep people here. I know these are some red flags but I really need to get back to work — My question is does this give me leverage to ask for more pay? How do I go about countering their offer? I feel like companies…

Hi everyone: I've been fortunate enough to take 1.5 years off from work but I need something for the next six months while I finish my degree. I applied to FedEx as a package handler since the hours available were perfect for my schedule and they reimburse you for school.

Anyway, these companies dont do interviews because they lack retention. I know this is a red flag — the recruiter emailed me that the base pay is 18 and the bonus pay is $3 — I inquired what that meant and she said they pay extra at this location for now because it's hard to keep people here. I know these are some red flags but I really need to get back to work —

My question is does this give me leverage to ask for more pay? How do I go about countering their offer? I feel like companies like this are tricky when comes to any kind of wiggle room because they've seen it all. I'd love everyone's advice!

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